Brasilia, December 30 (RHC)-- Brazil will seek to reform the country’s tax laws next year, unelected President Michel Temer announced on Thursday after pushing in recent months controversial proposals to overhaul the South American nation’s pension system and labor code. ... More

Washington, December 30 (RHC)-- A number of Orthodox Jewish activists have staged a demonstration in front of the White House to celebrate the recent UN Security Council rebuke of Israel's illegal settlement construction on the occupied Palestinian lands. ... More

Bogota, December 30 (RHC)-- Colombia's National Liberation Army, the ELN, has reiterated their commitment to peace and dialogue with the national government of President Juan Manuel Santos. ... More

Havana, December 30 (RHC-PL) -- Several health institutions in Cuba, recently remodeled, received the visit of journalists and officials of the Ministry of Public Health, who learned about the process of transformation developed by the state at the national level.... More

Chilean Senator Alejandro Guillier

Santiago de Chile, December 30 (RHC)-- An independent left-wing senator running for president in Chile's 2017 election is leading in a head-to-head matchup against the right's front-runner, according to a recent poll, spicing up a race once expected to feature only establishment favorites.... More

Tel Aviv, December 30 (RHC)-- In Israel, Police have called for a full-blown criminal investigation into a corruption case involving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.... More

La Habana, 31 dic (RHC) La Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) despedirá este viernes al secretario general saliente, Ban Ki-moon, quien finaliza el 31 de diciembre su segundo mandato de cinco años.... More

United Nations, December 29 (RHC/Prensa Latina) – Cuba has ratified the Paris Agreement, an initiative aimed at protecting present and future generations from the effects of climate change.... More

Vientiane, December 29 (RHC-PL) -- Cuba's ambassador to Laos, Pablo Rodríguez Vidal, has been received by President Bounnhang Vorachit, and confirmed his willingness to continue working to strengthen the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two parties, governments and peoples. ... More

Havana, December 29 (RHC) -- The Granma Memorial was officially reopened Thursday in Havana, after being subjected to a comprehensive restoration to mark the 60th anniversary of the arrival in eastern Cuba of the expeditionaries, with Fidel Castro at the head, to start the last phase of the struggle for national independence. ... More

Moscow, December 29 (RHC)-- Russian investigators looking into the crash of a military plane that crashed, killing all 92 on board, believe a fault with its wing flaps was the reason it plunged into the Black Sea, an investigative source told the Interfax news agency. ... More

United Nations, December 29 (RHC)-- Incoming UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says the crisis in Syria "has become a cancer on a global scale." ... More

New York, December 29 (RHC)-- U.S. President–elect Donald Trump first voiced alarm that his transition into power is not as smooth as he expected it to be, censuring President Barack Obama for his “inflammatory” statements. ... More

Washington, December 29 (RHC)-- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry defended the United States' decision to abstain -- and not veto -- a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, saying Israel’s policies put the so-called two-state solution “in serious jeopardy.”... More

Buenos Aires, December 29 (RHC)-- Argentinean human rights activist Milagro Sala was sentenced to three years probation ("suspended prison sentence") Wednesday for “aggravated damage” to a public official after organizing a protest with her popular social organization Tupac Amaru.... More
