Havana, December 27 (RHC)-- The 8th Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Eighth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power (Cuban Parliament) began Tuesday with a minute of silence in memory of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro.... More

Havana, December 27 (RHC)-- Cuba's Economy and Planning Minister Ricardo Cabrisas has projected two percent GDP growth in 2017. ... More

Havana, December 27 (RHC)-- A tribute to Fidel Castro on January 1st at Santiago de Cuba's Santa Ifigenia Cemetery -–the revolutionary leader's final resting place-- will be the highpoint of activities celebrating the 58th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution. ... More

Damascus, December 27 (RHC)-- Russian troops have discovered a number of mass graves in the city of Aleppo, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.... More

Mexico City, December 27 (RHC)-- Six days after the explosion of the San Pablito market in Tultepec, the attorney general's office said it is still analyzing the shocking videos from the blast in order to know what could have caused the tragedy.... More

Washington, December 27 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law a massive $619 billion military spending bill for the next year. ... More

Washington, December 27 (RHC)-- Jimmy Carter has so far been the only former U.S. president to confirm that he will attend President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration next month.... More

New York, December 27 (RHC)-- U.S. President-elect Donald Trump paid money to the Israelis in 2003 to support constructions in an illegal settlement, located in the occupied land of Palestine.... More

The Vatican, December 27 (RHC)-- Pope Francis, who has become known for wading into political and social issues, said that the greed of a minority is leading to continued human suffering, including war and slavery to money. ... More

Argentinean President Mauricio Macri

Buenos Aires, December 27 (RHC)-- As workers in Argentina are hit with rising rates of unemployment and tough austerity measures, right-wing Argentinean President Mauricio Macri has taken 41 days of vacation since coming to power in December last year. ... More

Carl Paladino, New York co-Chairman Donald Trump's Campaign

New York, December 27 (RHC)-- Carl Paladino, who served as New York co-chairman for President-elect Donald Trump's campaign, said he wants President Obama to die in 2017 and made racist attacks on First Lady Michelle Obama.... More

Havana, December 26 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro sent a message of condolences to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, after a Russian military plane, carrying 92 people, crashed into the Black Sea Sunday.... More

Havana, December 26 (RHC)-- Cuba's special municipality of the Isle of Youth registers the country's best results of the national mother and child program in 2016 with an infant mortality rate of 2.1 for every one thousand live births and no maternal deaths registered over the past twelve months.... More

Moscow, December 26 (RHC)-- A Russian Defense Ministry aircraft on its way to Russia's military base in Syria has crashed in the Black Sea killing all 92 people on board.... More

Caracas, December 26 (RHC)-- Venezuela has expressed “deep concern” over an announcement made by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos that he has begun the final discussions for his country to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO. ... More
