Cienfuegos, December 21 (RHC)-- The Cuban medication CIMAvax-EGF against advanced lung cancer has begun its final stage of clinical trials in the province of Cienfuegos. ... More

San Salvador, December 21 (RHC)-- Supported by Cuban teachers and the island's successful literacy program, another department in western El Salvador has been declared free of illiteracy.... More

Bogota, December 21 (RHC)-- With a unanimous vote in favor at the committee level, the Colombian Congress has taken a step toward passing a key amnesty bill that will pardon FARC rebels for political crimes, and pave the way for further implementation of the country's historic peace agreement. ... More

Cairo, December 21 (RHC)-- The European Union and the Arab League have denounced Israel's illegal settlement activities, calling for international efforts to end the regime's decades-long occupation of Palestinian lands. ... More

Quito, December 21 (RHC)-- Two months ahead of the presidential elections, polls are giving the Ecuadorian leftist Citizen's Revolution candidate a lead, despite a large undecided vote.... More

Mexico City, December 21 (RHC)-- At least 31 people have been killed and some 72 others injured in a blast at a fireworks market in Mexico.... More

Cuba: A Nation of Scientists

On January 15, 1960, then Prime Minister of the Revolutionary Government Fidel Castro stated: "The future of our country has to be necessarily a future of men and women of science."... More

Riyadh, December 21 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabia has admitted to the use of banned cluster bombs during its relentless airstrikes on Yemen.... More

Berlin, December 21 (RHC)-- German police have announced that the attacker who crashed a truck into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin is still at large after the "wrong man" was put in custody, Germany's Die Welt reported. ... More

Gaza City, December 21 (RHC)-- The Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO) has criticized the Israeli regime over stalling repairs on one of the main power lines in the impoverished Palestinian coastal enclave, arguing that the holdup has exacerbated the already dire living conditions in the besieged territory. ... More

As the dust continues to settle after the 38th Havana International Festival of New LatinAmerican Cinema the final numbers are all in. Regarding the competition there were 18 full length feature films, from seven countries.... More

The film Desierto by Mexican director Jonás Cuarón has won the Coral Award as Best Fiction Movie and for Best Original Music Score at Havana’s 38th International Film Festival.... More

The 38th edition of the Havana Film Festival is under way for another 2 days until the 18th of December and a total of 18 full length films are competing for the 2016 Coral Award.... More

The 38th edition of the Havana Film Festival is under way for another 3 days until the 18th of December and a total of 18 full length films are competing for the 2016 Coral Award. ... More

The 38th edition of the Havana Film Festival is under way until the 18th of December and a total of 18 full length films are competing for the 2016 Coral Award. ... More
