Brasilia, December 15 (RHC)-- Thousands of people have poured into the streets of least 15 cities across Brazil to protest the Senate’s approval of a controversial austerity plan being pushed by unelected President Michel Temer to limit public spending and institutionalize neo-liberalism for the next two decades. ... More

Athens, December 15 (RHC)-- Greek and British authorities say they have broken up an international criminal network suspected of supplying hundreds of illegal refugees striving to reach the UK and northern European countries with forged travel documents. ... More

Oslo, December 15 (RHC)-- Former U.S. secretary of state Henry Kissinger says Donald Trump has a personality that has "no precedent in modern American history,” but warned critics not to judge the president-elect based on his campaign rhetoric. ... More

Moscow, December 15 (RHC)-- Former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden says he is not worried about his fate and future under US President-elect Donald Trump, who assumes office in January. ... More

Paris, December 15 (RHC)-- Greenpeace activists blocked access to the Paris headquarters of French power utility EDF on Wednesday in a protest against the company's nuclear activities. ... More

Cuban pianist Chucho Valdés and U.S. trumpet player Terence Blanchard and bassist Christian McBride will star the 2016 Jazz Plaza Festival’s opening concert Thursday evening... More

Havana, December 14 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Moros is in Cuba to attend commemorations on the 12th anniversary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), created back in 2004 by late leaders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.... More

Havana, December 14 (RHC)-- Nearly 10 million Bolivians have benefited from the comprehensive health program known as 'Mi Salud' (My Health) launched by Bolivian authorities with Cuba's assistance. ... More

Quito, December 14 (RHC)-- The Ecuadorian TV channel Ciudadano TV dedicated one of its prime time shows on Tuesday to the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, the late Fidel Castro.... More

Washington, December 14 (RHC)-- President Barack Obama will make his case directly to President-elect Donald Trump not to derail the recent U.S.-Cuba detente, the White House said on Tuesday, insisting that "turning back the clock" would be damaging to U.S. relations with Latin America.... More

Brasilia, December 14 (RHC)-- Amid massive protests, Brazil's Senate approved Tuesday a controversial constitutional amendment that will freeze public spending for 20 years with major impacts on basic services including education, health care and housing. ... More

Washington, December 14 (RHC)-- The administration of Barack Obama has released a CIA report on Operation Condor, the 1970s covert efforts to rid U.S.-backed dictatorships of progressive opponents or to topple progressive governments outright in South America. ... More

Bogota, December 14 (RHC)-- Colombia's Constitution Court passed Tuesday a much-anticipated "fast track" rule that will allow Congress to carry out a special legislative procedure that will accelerate the implementation of the landmark peace deal between the government and FARC rebels. ... More

Lima, December 14 (RHC)-- Thousands of students and other protesters have taken to the streets in Peru’s capital Lima to defend public education and reject what many see as attempts to silence the main leader of education reform in the South American country. ... More

Washington, December 14 (RHC)-- The U.S. Energy Department says it will not comply with a request from President-elect Donald Trump's Energy Department transition team for the names of people who have worked on climate change and the professional society memberships of lab workers. ... More
