American Scholar and Political Activist Noam Chomsky

Boston, December 12 (RHC)-- Renowned American scholar and political activist Noam Chomsky says U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was "the greater evil" in the race for the White House and liberals made a "bad mistake" by refusing to support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. ... More

New York, December 12 (RHC)-- U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has picked fast-food CEO Andrew Puzder to become the next secretary of labor. ... More

Havana, December 10 (RHC)- The Cuban government presented Vietnamese outgoing Ambassador Duong Minh with the Friendship Medal, in recognition of his tireless efforts to broaden and strengthen political, cooperation and trade relations between the Asian country and the Caribbean state.... More

Havana, December 10 (RHC-PL), -- A resolution by the Cuban Labor and Social Security Ministry (MTSS) will allow foreign persons who are not resident in Cuba to work in the Special Development Zone of Mariel.... More

Athens, December 10 (RHC)-- The Greek government has warned that the country will not accept an extension to its painful austerity program beyond 2018 to secure a bailout from international creditors. ... More

Brasilia, December 10 (RHC-teleSUR), -- Brazil's President Michel Temer received more than US$3 million from the country's largest construction company Odebrecht, which has been found guilty of paying politicians in exchange for multimillion dollar contracts, according to Brazil's Veja magazine.... More

United Nations, December 10 (RHC)-- Despite a slight fall in prices across food commodities in November, prices are 10.4 percent higher than in November of last year.... More

Oslo, December 10 (RHC-teleSUR), -- In a press conference Friday with officials from the Nobel Prize Committee, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos spoke about the role the prize played in overcoming the plebiscite defeat... More

New York, December 10 (RHC)-- Advisers to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump told Reuters they are proposing to privatize Native American reservations in order to further accelerate the extraction of oil, gas and other minerals.... More

Oslo, December 10 (RHC)-- A petition is asking why Norway is still punishing Edward Snowden for leaking revealing security documents while letting a war criminal scott free.... More

New York, December 10 (RHC)-- U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has tapped right-wing billionaire Betsy DeVos to serve as education secretary.... More

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley

Tel Aviv, December 10 (RHC)-- The U.S. President-elect has named South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. ... More

Russian Vice President Dimitri Rogozin

Havana, December 9 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raúl Castro met Thursday in Havana with Dimitri O. Rogozin, Vice President of the Russian Federation, who is here heading a delegation to the 14th session of the Cuba-Russia Intergovernmental Commission for Economic-Trade and Technical-Scientific Cooperation.... More

Windhoek, December 9 (RHC)-- A solemn ceremony was held Thursday in the gardens of Namibia’s Parliament building, as thousands of Namibians and Cuban professionals, who are offering their services in the African nation paid tribute to Cuban Revolution leader, the late Fidel Castro.... More

Pretoria, December 9 (RHC)-- South African Minister of Public Works Thulas Nxesi received Thursday in Pretoria a Cuban technical team, that traveled there as part of existing cooperation agreements in the sector. ... More
