Rabat, December 7 (RHC)-- In news from the Morocco-occupied Western Sahara, 22 year-old media activist Walid Fatal has been sentenced by a Moroccan court to 14 months in prison for filming a peaceful protest in the city of Smara last November 25 on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.... More

Lima, December 7 (RHC)-- Peru’s jailed former dictator Alberto Fujimori said that authorities had moved him from his prison cell to a health facility in the capital city Lima to undergo medical testing related to a brain condition and mobility problems. ... More

Bismarck, December 7 (RHC)-- On the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, Wes Clark Jr. led military veterans in a ceremony to ask forgiveness from Native Americans for the crimes of the U.S. military.... More

Acosta Danza, directed by international dance star, Cuba’s Carlos Acosta, will pay tribute to Fidel Castro on Wednesday, December 7th at Havana’s Grand Theater... More

Santiago de Cuba, December 6 (RHC)-- Residents of Santiago de Cuba and visitors to the eastern Cuban province from other Cuban regions and around the world continue rendering tribute to the historic leader of the Cuban revolution, the late Fidel Castro... More

Havana, December 6 (RHC)-- All 28 member states of the European Union (EU) have agreed to the signing of a political dialogue and cooperation agreement with Cuba towards normalizing EU-Cuba ties.... More

Havana, December 6 (RHC)-- Foreign Affairs Minister of Eritrea Osman Saleh, confirmed the internationalism and solidarity of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, who died November 25th in Havana, aged 90.... More

Havana, December 6 (RHC)-- U.S. writer Alice Walker and actor Danny Glover said late Cuban leader Fidel Castro inspired their civil rights struggle.... More

Havana, December 6 (RHC)-- Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa met in Santiago de Cuba with the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia... More

Ramallah, December 6 (RHC)-- Emergency workers in Gaza have recovered the bodies of four Palestinians who had gone missing in a tunnel running under the coastal enclave's border into Egyp... More

Stockholm, December 6 (RHC)-- A group of lawmakers and cultural personalities from Sweden have asked outgoing U.S. president Barack Obama to release Puerto Rican liberation fighter Oscar López Rivera... More

Washington, December 6 (RHC)-- The Washington Post is reporting Donald Trump’s recent protocol-breaking telephone conversation with Taiwan’s leader was an intentionally provocative move that had been planned weeks in advance. ... More

U.S. Priest Assassinated in Guatemala Stanley Rother

Guatemala City, December 6 (RHC)-- An U.S. priest assassinated in Guatemala in 1981 has moved a step closer to sainthood. The Vatican has now declared Reverend Stanley Rother to be a martyr. ... More

United Nations, December 6 (RHC)-- Some four million children have lost at least one parent in two decades of continuous violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, according to a statement issued by the United Nations. ... More

Ottawa, December 6 (RHC)-- A survey conducted by Canada's national statistics agency shows nearly 1,000 members of the Canadian Armed Forces reported being sexually assaulted over the past year. ... More
