Marrakech, November 17 (RHC)-- As the United Nations COP22 climate summit enters its final days in Marrakech, Morocco, over 50 environmental organizations and social movements from around the world have criticized the so-called “action COP” ... More

Washington, November 17 (RHC)-- Actions have been held in hundreds of cities across the United States to protest the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline... More

Ottawa, November 17 (RHC)-- A new report by Canadian environmental groups says annual government subsidies of $3.3 billion to oil and gas companies undermine Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plans to impose a price on carbon dioxide emissions by 2018. ... More

Havana, November 16 (RHC/acn)-- In a further demonstration of the underlining irony of the U.S. seeking better relations with Cuba while maintaining its policy of economic strangulation, a U.S.-based trans-national has been fined for dealing with Cuba. ... More

Havana, November 16 (RHC)--Visiting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau deliver a keynote address this Wednesday at the University of Havana's Aula Magna, as part of his official visit to Cuba. ... More

Havana, November 16 (RHC)--Revolutionary leader Fidel Castro met Tuesday in Havana with visiting Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang. Fidel and Dai Quang spoke and shared experiences on the economic and social development of our nations in the midst of the dangers beseiging humanity today. ... More

Athens, November 16 (RHC)-- Violent clashes have broken out between Greek police and demonstrators protesting U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Athens. ... More

The Hague, November 16 (RHC)-- The International Criminal Court (ICC) has announced that the US military and the CIA may be guilty of carrying out war crimes in Afghanistan.... More

Washington, November 16 (RHC)-- The United States has decried a new measure by the Israeli regime to legalize illegal settlements built on the Palestinian land.... More

Mexico City, November 16 (RHC)-- A priest abducted in the Mexican state of Veracruz has been found alive after three days, but with signs of torture, Church officials say.... More

Washington, November 16 (RHC)-- The notorious Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party have praised U.S. President-elect Donald Trump over appointing a white supremacist to a top position in the White House. ... More

Paris, November 16 (RHC)-- French Prime Minister Manuel Valls confirmed on Tuesday the government’s plan to extend a nationwide state of emergency which has been in place since last November’s coordinated terrorist attacks shook Paris. ... More

Berlin, November 16 (RHC)-- German police have carried out more than 200 raids against mosques, apartments and offices across 10 federal states in search for suspected members of an alleged extremist group. ... More

La Habana, 16 nov (RHC) El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, anunció este miércoles la construcción de numerosas obras sociales en el municipio de Trinidad y las regiones indígenas del Beni, con motivo del aniversario 174 de la fundación de ese departamento.... More

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Havana, November 15 (RHC)-- Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau both arrive in Havana on Tuesday afternoon on official visits at the invitation of President Raúl Castro.... More
