Goma, November 8 (RHC)-- An explosion has killed at least two people and wounded 32 UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s eastern province of North Kivu. ... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro congratulated his Nicaraguan counterpart Daniel Ortega and his wife and vice presidential candidate Rosario Murillo... More

Washington, November 7 (RHC)-- U.S. film director Oliver Stone is warning that Hillary Clinton is at least as dangerous as Donald Trump.... More

Washington, November 7 (RHC)-- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI, has cleared Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton after a renewed probe into her use of private e-mail server as the U.S. secretary of state. ... More

Managua, November 7 (RHC)-- Nicaragua's incumbent President Daniel Ortega of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, the FSLN, locked in a win for a third consecutive term in Sunday's election. ... More

Havana, November 5 (RHC-PL) -- Cuba stood out as the most awarded country at the 34th Havana International Trade Fair, which concluded Friday at the Havana Convention Center.... More

London, November 5 (RHC-PL) -- Cuba is getting ready to participate in the 37th International Tourism Fair World Travel Market 2016, scheduled for November 7th to the 9th in London, its traditional venue.... More

Havana, November 5 (RHC-acn) -- Samsung Electronics has announced the opening soon of its first shop in Havana.... More

Havana, November 5 (RHC-European Press)-- Companies of Cuba and China have reportedly signed a letter of intent in Havana for the sending of patients to be treated in Cuba and Cuban doctors to work in hospitals in China.... More

Havana will soon be the world's music capital as the 29th Contemporary Music Festival is scheduled to run Nov 12/20 to showcase international music... More

Washington, November 5 (RHC)-- U.S. intelligence agencies have warned about possible terror attacks planned by the al-Qaeda terrorist group for the day before the U.S. presidential election. Federal officials told CBS News on Friday that the terrorist attacks may possibly target three U.S. states of New York, Texas and Virginia before Election Day on Monday. ... More

Brasilia, November 5 (RHC)-- About 200,000 students in Brazil have missed their entrance exams for college, as students continue to occupy more than 1,000 educational institutions in the country in protest against the right-wing, pro-asuterity coup government of President Michel Temer. ... More

San Salvador, November 5 (RHC)-- In El Salvador, the prosecution has requested that former Salvadorean President Tony Saca, along with six other ex-government officials arrested several days ago on corruption charges, be held in pre-trial detention out of concern the accused could flee the country. ... More

Quito, November 5 (RHC)-- In an interview conducted by John Pilger, Julian Assange – founder of the whistle-blowing WikiLeaks website – denied that the source of the leaked e-mails plaguing Hillary Clinton was the Russian state, as her campaign has frequently claimed. ... More

Paris, November 5 (RHC)-- French police are shutting down temporary refugee camps in central Paris that sprung up after the dismantling of the Calais camp, forcing more than 3,000 people to move from the makeshift tent cities in a pre-daw operation on Friday. ... More
