Madrid, November 5 (RHC)-- Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy brought six new ministers into his cabinet, but opposition leaders said his new team showed no sign of being open to the dialogue his minority government will need to survive. ... More

Caracas, November 4 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has rejected a deadline set by the opposition to possibly quit talks and return to street protests if its conditions are not met. ... More

Paris, November 4 (RHC)-- Police in France have begun evacuating refugees from a makeshift camp in northeastern Paris that had recently become a shelter for many of the asylum seekers evacuated from a bigger camp in the port city of Calais. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez

Geneva, November 4 (RHC)-- Venezuela celebrated its human rights achievements in a report presented to the United Nations in Geneva as dialogue between President Nicolas Maduro’s government and the opposition is underway... More

Brasilia, November 4 (RHC)-- A Brazilian student's speech protesting public cuts in education to a senate committee in the state of Parana has gone viral on social media, shedding light on the student movement that is occupying over 100 schools across the state and country. ... More

Ottawa, November 4 (RHC)-- A group of migrants continue their third hunger strike of the year protesting Canada's immigration detention policy. ... More

Madrid, November 4 (RHC)-- Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has formed a new government for his second term in office, shaking up several portfolios but keeping the ones most crucial to his pro-EU policies intact. ... More

Athens, November 4 (RHC)-- The anti-government rally held in the Greek capital of Athens on Thursday saw more than 5,000 protesters marching to the Labor Ministry and outside parliament.... More

Washington, November 4 (RHC)-- A report released today in the United States says just under two years after an historic breakthrough in U.S.-Cuba relations, diplomatic dialogue has advanced remarkably... More

Havana, November 4 (RHC/Xinhua) -- More than 60 Chinese companies are present this week at the 34th Havana International Trade Fair, seeking to boost Chinese participation in the Cuban economy. ... More

Havana, November 4 (RHC)-- Different sectors of Cuban society came together for a one-day activity on Friday, November 4, at the Ignacio Agramonte Plaza at the University of Havana to observe a Continental Day for Democracy and Against Neo-liberalism. ... More

Havana, November 4 (RHC-ACN)-- Cuba and Venezuela signed a new cooperation accord Thursday to diversify and boost economic ties in a series of non-oil sectors. The signing was in the framework of the 34th International Fair of Havana (FIHAV 2016), which concluded Friday. ... More

Havana, November 4 (RHC-ACN)-- The 18th Congress of the Confederation of Arab Entities of The Americas (FEARAB-AMERICA) will take place November 11th and 12th in Havana, aimed at promoting unity among Arab communities.... More

Havana, November 3 (RHC/Wires) -- Cuba approved 11 business proposals for its Mariel Special Development Zone last year in its quest to boost foreign investment, a senior official said on Wednesday, explaining that two U.S. projects are among those currently being considered.... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos

London, November 3 (RHC)-- As the peace deal between the Colombian government and the country’s largest guerrilla army, the FARC, remains in limbo... More
