Pope Francis

Vatican City, October 27 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has made an appeal for the world to be more welcoming to refugees fleeing violence. ... More

Washington, October 27 (RHC)-- In the largest auto scandal settlement in U.S. history, a federal judge has approved a $14.7 billion settlement over the Volkswagen diesel emissions cheating scandal.... More

Vatican City, October 27 (RHC)-- The Vatican and Argentina will soon release archives from the country's 1976-83 "Dirty War" ... More

Mexico City, October 27 (RHC)-- Growing increasingly frustrated with a manhunt for their fugitive governor, residents in the western Mexican state of Veracruz are posting to public buildings fliers that read "Wanted: Dead or Alive" reminiscent of a Sergio Leone spaghetti western. ... More

Caracas, October 26 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the opposition of attempting a “parliamentary coup” by voting to launch an impeachment process against him... More

Venezuelan Defense Minister Gen. Vladimir Padrino Lopez

Caracas, October 26 (RHC)-- Venezuelan Defense Minister Gen. Vladimir Padrino Lopez has appealed to Venezuelans to exercise “prudence and good sense” following threats by conservative lawmakers in the National Assembly to impeach President Nicolas Maduro. ... More

London, October 26 (RHC)-- Amnesty International says the U.S.-led coalition has killed hundreds of civilians during its air raids in Syria since 2014... More

Moscow, October 26 (RHC)-- U.S.-led coalition airstrikes in Mosul have killed over 60 civilians and wounded over 200 more over the past few days, according to reports. ... More

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg

Brussels, October 26 (RHC)-- The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is pushing for its biggest military buildup near Russian borders... More

The Hague, October 26 (RHC)-- Gambia has followed in the footsteps of Burundi and South Africa by declaring its intention to withdraw from the International Criminal Court ... More

London, October 26 (RHC)-- The British economy is losing momentum following a post-EU referendum bounce, as the weak pound and higher inflation signal a fall in living standards, according to new analysis. ... More

Washington, October 26 (RHC)-- Preliminary figures suggest the U.S. presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump remains tight in so-called swing states... More

Madrid, October 26 (RHC)-- Spain’s acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy says he has been tasked by the king to form a new government, the latest attempt to break a 10-month political deadlock... More

New York, October 26 (RHC)-- The vast majority of the international community, represented at the UN General Assembly, voted Wednesday in favor of a resolution, urging the U.S. government to repeal its nearly six decades-old blockade policy towards Cuba. ... More

New York, October 26 (RHC))-- In a major shift in U.S. foreign policy, the Barack Obama Administration abstained Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly's vote on a resolution that urges the lifting of Washington's nearly six decades-old blockade policy against Cuba. ... More
