Israel has been interrogating and imprisoning dozens of Palestinian minors for months without any legal representation or a parent's presence.... More

In Brazil, social movements, high school students, labor unions and working class people have raised alarm over Brazilian President Michel Temer's plan to institutionalize neo-liberalism.... More

In CIA-administered prisons from Jordan to Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay, Mohamedou Slahi was beaten, subjected to sleep deprivation and freezing temperatures... More

London Metropolitan Police Service are set to equip a total of 22,000 officers by the summer of 2017 with body cameras... More

The United Nations cultural and scientific agency has adopted a resolution reaffirming the right of the Palestinians to the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied East Jerusalem. ... More

Israeli forces have shot and killed a Palestinian girl in the occupied West Bank, claiming she had attempted a stabbing attack.... More

Crowds of young people gathered in Havana and major cities across the island this Monday to protest the permanence of the U.S. policy of blockade against Cuba.... More

Roberto Dario Cardona, Former Honduran Deputy-Minister

Roberto Dario Cardona, former Honduran deputy-minister for natural resources and the environment and suspected of being involved in the murder of environmentalist Berta Caceres has been arrested... More

Peru's state-owned oil company, PetroPeru, faces renewed scrutiny following another reported another oil spill in the Amazon, the eighth leak this year alone. ... More

Global leaders, policy makers, architects, urban planners, and others are meeting in Ecuador's capital city of Quito for the first major summit in two decades aimed at tackling issues facing the world's urban dwellers and fast-expanding cities. ... More

In news from Africa, The New York Times is reporting the Barack Obama administration has intensified a clandestine war in Somalia... More

In news of global warming, a new analysis by top climate scientists finds the Earth's average temperature is on track to increase by 2 degrees Celsius -- or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit -- by mid-century... More

In the United States, a new federal lawsuit takes aim at ExxonMobil in what advocates say is the first legal action targeting the oil giant for its decades-long cover-up of climate change. ... More

Doctors Without Borders has announced that it had refused a donation of one million pneumonia vaccinations from the drug manufacturer Pfizer as part of a principled stand against Big Pharma's monopolistic drug-pricing policies.... More

Victims from around the world gave evidence against U.S. agricultural giant Monsanto during a symbolic "moral trial" in The Hague. ... More
