Havana, October 15 (RHC) Josefina Vidal, Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, said in Havana that the new package of measures announced Friday by the U.S. government to modify some aspects of the U.S. blockade are positive, but limited in scope.... More

Haiti will hold long-delayed presidential elections on Nov. 20, the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) announced on Friday.... More

Ecuador will welcome 11 presidents who will participate in the Habitat III - United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, taking place in Quito beginning Monday... More

In Mexico, the Zapatistas argued at the 20th anniversary National Indigenous Congress that resource exploitation will ultimately destroy the Earth. ... More

A U.S. federal judge has ordered former high-ranking CIA officials to testify in a lawsuit against the psychologists who designed the spy agency’s torture techniques after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ... More

Thousands of Argentineans have had to wait up to 8 hours to cross the Chilean border to buy what they cannot afford in their own country because of inflation. ... More

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says the global debt has risen to an all-time high of around $152 trillion, warning that this could trigger a new financial crisis. ... More

The International Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague got underway yesterday in the Netherlands.... More

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says the West is considering broader military operations against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to protect what he called “the Syrian opposition.” ... More

In the U.S. state of Michigan, a prisoner at the Kinross Correctional Facility has died of unknown causes.... More

ex premier Ghwell

El Cairo, 15 oct (ansa).- Trípoli se encontraba este sábado bajo fuerte tensión, luego de que islamistas leales al ex primer ministro libio Khalifa Ghwell intentaran anoche un golpe de estado para derrocar al gobierno de unidad.... More

Cuban President Raúl Castro and visiting Prime Minister of Algeria Abdelmalek Sellal, presided over Thursday's signing of a bilateral cooperation agreement in the health sector.... More

The United States government has announced a new package of measures in connection with Cuba, mainly in the fields of health an scientific cooperation.... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced Thursday that the bilateral cease-fire with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia will be extended until December 31. ... More

Tensions between Russia and the West deepened even further Thursday after Moscow’s embassy in Damascus was subjected to heavy mortar shelling for nearly two hours. ... More
