Two leading Israeli rights organizations are speaking out against the regime's illegal settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territories at a UN Security Council meeting. ... More

Social movements in Colombia have appealed to the country's Supreme Court and demanded the cancellation of the plebiscite that resulted in a victory for the "No" campaign against peace, which was signed between the government and FARC rebels on September 26.... More

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has denounced Israeli violations in and around the al-Haram al-Sharif (also known as the Temple Mount) compound in the occupied Old City of Jerusalem. ... More

The United Nations General Assembly has approved by acclamation Portugal’s former prime minister, Antonio Guterres, as the world body’s ninth secretary general. ... More

In Peru, riot police cracked down on a diverse group of protesters against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in downtown Lima... More

Brazilian President Michel Temer

Brazilian President Michel Temer left Friday for an Asian tour, which will take him to India to participate in the 8th BRICS Summit, and then to Japan, to seek to attract investment. ... More

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called for "a massive response" to provide "life-saving assistance" to the people of Haiti where Hurricane Matthew killed around 1,000 people. ... More

The United States could be implicated in war crimes for supporting Saudi Arabia's deadly military campaign in Yemen, official documents show.... More

Cuban President Raúl Castro is scheduled to meet Thursday in Havana with Prime Minister of Algeria Abdelmalek Sellal, who is currently on an official visit to Cuba.... More

Delegations from Cuba and Slovenia have reiterated both their governments' willingness to strengthen bilateral relations in several areas.... More

The 1st Inter-American Conference on Stem Cells began sessions on Thursday in the Cuban capital with the participation of some 200 Cuban and U.S. experts.... More

Tango 63, a vessel belonging to the Venezuelan Navy, carrying over 300 tons of humanitarian aid, has been officially received at the Santiago de Cuba port. ... More

During Cuban Culture week, art companies and organizations including the experienced and award winning Guantanamo Guiñol and members of the Hermano Saiz Association will take their talents to the areas affected by Hurricane Matthew... More

Colombia's State Council has ruled that former senator and prominent human rights activist Piedad Cordoba can run for public office again... More

Former president and current Senator Fernando Lugo

Former president and current Senator Fernando Lugo says that only a formal ruling could prevent him from running in the upcoming presidential elections in Paraguay... More
