Argentina recorded its worst economic contraction in seven years with a 5.9 reduction in Gross Domestic Product for the third quarter... More

More than 40 troops from Afghanistan visiting the United States for military training have vanished in less than two years, according to the U.S. Defense Department. ... More

A new report from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism says the Pentagon gave the controversial U.K. PR firm Bell Pottinger over a half-billion dollars to run a top-secret propaganda program in Iraq. ... More

A girl under the age of 15 marries somewhere in the world every seven seconds on average, according to data provided by the organization Save the Children. ... More

President Raúl Castro visited areas devastated by Hurricane Matthew in the eastern municipality of Baracoa, one of the most hard hit.... More

In consideration of the severe damage caused by Hurricane Matthew in the provinces of Guantanamo and Holguin, in eastern Cuba, and its heavy impact on the population, the Cuban Government has decided to finance via the state budget fifty percent of cost of construction materials... More

Cuba has received 3 million international visitors so far in 2016. The three million mark was reached on Saturday, October 8, and came 39 days earlier than in 2015... More

Cuba celebrates today, the 148th anniversary of the beginning of the independence struggle against Spanish colonialism, on October 10, 1868... More

A shipment of humanitarian assistance from Venezuela left the port of La Guaira bound for hurricane ravaged eastern Cuba on Sunday. ... More

A shipment of humanitarian assistance from Venezuela left the port of La Guaira bound for hurricane ravaged eastern Cuba on Sunday. ... More

The death toll from Hurricane Matthew has reached 20 in the United States, with more than two million homes and business still without electrical power. ... More

Brazilian Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

Brazil's Supreme Court approved a request to probe former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva alleged involvement in a corruption ring involving the state-run oil company. ... More

Political analysts across the United States came out swinging on Monday, calling Sunday night's presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump the worst in U.S. history.... More

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov

Russia has dismissed Washington's accusations of attempting to interfere in the 2016 elections, stressing that such baseless claims are just aimed at fanning "unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria.” ... More

Hundreds of people, answering the call by the School of Americas Watch for a U.S. Border Convergence, met on both sides of the U.S. and Mexico for a weekend of protests against U.S. militarization and in support of migrant rights. ... More
