A Norwegian appeals court rejected a lawsuit from famed whistleblower Edward Snowden against the Norwegian government, denying him free passage to the country to accept a free speech award.... More

Jill Biden, wife of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is in Cuba on an official visit.... More

The United Nations says that Saudi Arabia is using starvation as a tactic in its ongoing war against Yemen as well as against the Shia population inside Saudi Arabia itself. ... More

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has called Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump "a genius", after a report indicated that Trump may have legally avoided paying income taxes for nearly two decades. ... More

Recovery efforts have begun in the eastern municipality of Baracoa, one of the areas hardest hit by Tuesday's passage of Hurricane Matthew, with brigades of volunteer workers from sectors such as construction, sanitation, telecommunications and energy arriving ... More

Hundreds of students, athletes and workers, representing the entire Cuban people held a vigil on the eve of Thursday, October 6, at Havana's José Martí Memorial in honor of victims of terrorism. ... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez met Wednesday in Havana with his Nigerian counterpart Geoffrey Onyeama, who is paying an official visit to Cuba. ... More

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon praised Cuba's hurricane early-warning system, and the measures adopted by authorities at all levels to confront Hurricane Mathew, the worst storm to hit the Caribbean in the past several years. ... More

Hundreds of thousands of Colombians took to the streets to demand the peace accord be respected, as President Manuel Santos met with right-wing former president, Alvaro Uribe, to discuss changes to the peace deal with the FARC-EP. ... More

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said that "peace is at hand" after meeting with right-wing former president Alvaro Uribe on Wednesday in a bid to resolve differences over a peace deal with the FARC-EP that was rejected in a surprising vote Sunday, leaving the country in limbo. ... More

Slovakia's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Ivan Korcok

The European Union says it will withhold development funding earmarked for Colombia in the wake of the Colombian people's rejection of a government peace deal with the South American country's main rebel group in a referendum. ... More

The all-women solidarity ship “Zaytouna” has been intercepted by Israeli naval forces while on its way to the besieged Gaza Strip, with the crew members reportedly detained, according to live updates released by the group on social media. ... More

In Mexico, two students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College in the southern state of Guerrero have been killed by gunmen on Tuesday. ... More

Venezuelan Oil Minister Eulogio Del Pino says that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, will increase the price of oil by roughly US$10 per-barrel over the next nine months.... More

Chilean officials Tuesday unveiled an ambitious $1 billion plan to reduce pollution in the capital of Santiago, one of Latin America's most polluted cities. ... More
