The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said Tuesday that while the influx of maritime refugees and migrants in Europe has considerably dropped this year compared to 2015, the Mediterranean is set to claim more lives in 2016 than last year's count of 3,673.... More

In Peru, an awareness and mobilizing campaign against human trafficking for prostitution is putting the issue in the public eye.... More

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) urged states on Tuesday to protect access to medical care in conflicts after releasing findings of attacks on two medical facilities run or supported by the charity in war-torn Yemen.... More

Cuban President Raul Castro has paid tribute to Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, following the official ceremony of the signing of the Final Peace Agreement in Cartagena de Indias.... More

“Ayotzinapa will not be forgotten,” is the slogan that rang out in the streets of Mexico City as thousands of teachers, students, relatives of victims, and members of diverse social organizations marched Monday to commemorate two years without answers about what happened to the 43 disappeared students.... More

Cuban President Raul Castro is currently in Colombia attending Monday's signing of the peace deal between the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the country's largest rebel group --the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP). ... More

Mayor of Houston, Texas, Sylvester Turner

The Mayor of Houston, Texas, Sylvester Turner, arrived Sunday in Cuba heading a 30-member trade mission to explore opportunities to expand bilateral links following the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana.... More

The Government of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are slated to sign a peace deal on Monday afternoon... More

In related news, Pastor Alape, a member of the FARC’s secretariat, told teleSUR over the weekend that the guerrilla group has reached an agreement to transition into a political force during the 10th National Guerilla Conference... More

Colombia's National Liberation Army (ELN) announced that it will cease all offensive actions during the plebiscite to vote on the peace agreement, slated for October 2nd.... More

French President François Hollande on Monday called on the United Kingdom to take its share of responsibility for the complex migration situation in the French city of Calais.... More

The Prime Minister of the People´s Republic of China, Li Keqiang, wrapped up a three-day official visit to Cuba. Keqiang was seen off Monday morning at Havana's José Martí airport by Cuban Vice-President Miguel Diaz-Canel.... More

The presidents of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuba and the Chinese Council for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, Orlando Hernandez and Jiang Zengwei, respectively, have signed a plan of action aimed at promoting trade between the two countries.... More

US Attorneys Visit Cuba

A delegation made up of 37 officials from the Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG) of the United States is visiting Cuba, where they will meet with officials from the Cuban Attorney General's Office.... More

A Mexican priest has been found murdered in the central Mexican state of Michoacan, the state attorney general said on Sunday.... More
