Cuban President Raul Castro has arrived in Colombia for the signing of the peace deal on Monday. The presidents of El Salvador, Costa Rica and Peru have also arrived, and other leaders of the region are expected to fly to Cartagena Monday.... More

Artists from around the world have joined a social media campaign in support of the peace agreement in Colombia that will be signed on Monday between the government of Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.... More

China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang

China's Prime Minister Li Keqiang begins an official visit to Cuba this Saturday.... More

Cuban Communist Party leader Jose Ramon Balaguer

Cuban Communist Party leader Jose Ramon Balaguer denounced in Havana the threat posed on Latin America by an on-going imperialist offensive against progressive governments. ... More

The FARC rebel group has begun transferring its units to the areas of demobilization agreed upon in Havana with the Colombian government. ... More

Namibia's Historic Leader Sam Nujoma

Namibia´s historic leader Sam Nujoma, the first elected president of that southern African nation, will pay a visit to Cuba September 27 to October 3.... More

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Saturday that the United States had apologized to Syrian President Bashar Assad for the airstrikes against Syrian government troops.... More

Ecuador on Friday was named president of the Group of 77 and China bloc at the United Nations headquarters in New York.... More

The Indian Air Force has test fired long range air-to-air MICA missile from a combat aircraft, a statement issued by Indian government's Press Information Bureau said Saturday.... More

Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba will have a year of celebrations to mark its 25th anniversary as of October with shows, exhibitions, tours and videos... More

Cuban President Raul Castro received visiting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe..... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez told the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday that in spite of the year elapsed since the re-establishment of U.S.-Cuba diplomatic relations Washington's blockade is still in full force.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales said at the U.N. General Assembly that the Organization of American States, the OAS, should not exist if it does not represent the countries that are part of it.... More

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has declared a state of emergency in the city of Charlotte following protests Wednesday night during which police in riot gear fired rubber bullets, tear gas and pepper spray at protesters.... More

Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Li Yong

The Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the UNIDO, Li Yong, will arrive in Cuba this Saturday for an official visit and talks with leaders of diverse Cuban institutions involved in industrial production. ... More
