Former attorney general of Brazil, Fabio Medina Osorio

The former attorney general of Brazil said he believes the government of Michel Temer removed him from his post in order to sink the ongoing corruption probe investigating the massive corruption scandal involving the country's state oil company. ... More

Ecuadorean Indigenous groups’ years-long court battle to force oil giant Chevron Corp. to pay $9.5 billion in damages for the environmental disaster known as “Amazon Chernobyl” has begun a new phase, this time in Canada. ... More

A Swedish appeals court announced Monday that famed whistleblower and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can expect a ruling Friday on whether the warrant for his arrest will be withdrawn. ... More

In another incident of religious discrimination in the United States, a Muslim woman in New York City has been set on fire for wearing an Islamic dress. ... More

An Islamic religious center in the U.S. State of Florida has been set on fire in an arson attack, marking yet another hate crime against America's Muslim community.... More

Today marks the 45th anniversary of the uprising at Attica state prison near Buffalo, New York. ... More

Premier of the Canadian province of Quebec, Philippe Couillard

Premier of the Canadian province of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, began a three-day official visit to Cuba Monday, aimed at strengthening relations in areas like renewable energy, tourism and agro-food industry.... More

Venezuela has renewed its condemnation of the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed and maintained by the United States of America against Cuba for nearly 6 decades. ... More

More than 70 thousand Panamanians have learned how to read and write thanks to the Cuban teaching method 'Yo sí puedo' (Yes, I Can), the country's Ministry of Social Development has reported.... More

Venezuela is set to host the 17th Non-Aligned Movement Summit which will take place on the island of Margarita beginning tomorrow, Tuesday and running until next Sunday, September 18.... More

Israeli military aircraft have launched yet more strikes on the Golan Heights in southwest Syria. ... More

The President of the National Assembly of Nicaragua, Rene Nuñez Tellez, died on Saturday at a hospital in Costa Rica where he was receiving medical treatment for a lung condition.... More

The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, continues to withhold information on its involvement in the Sept. 11, 1973 coup that led to the death of President Salvador Allende in Chile, followed by a deadly dictatorship, according to documents posted Friday by the National Security Archive.... More

Police in Chile clashed with demonstrators during a march commemorating the 43rd anniversary of the U.S.-backed military coup in Chile which put long-time dictator Augusto Pinochet in power.... More

Tens of thousands have taken to the streets across Brazil to condemn the ouster of former president Dilma Rousseff and demand the resignation of her successor, Michell Temer.... More
