Latin American governments have slammed Washington's migratory policy towards Cuba. In a letter addressed to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, nine Latin American governments have asked the U.S. government to revise its migratory policy, which they say encourages disorderly, insecure and irregular migratory flows of Cuban citizens into the U.S.... More

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx will arrive on Wednesday, August 31st, at the Santa Clara airport aboard the first regular commercial flight connecting Cuba and the United States in more than 50 years.... More

Tens of thousands of people and representatives of social organizations protested in Brazil's main cities on Monday, the same day suspended President Dilma Rousseff made her defense for staying in office to the Brazilian Senate.... More

Israel continues to ignore international calls to halt its illegal settlement activities and demolishing Palestinian homes in the West Bank, according to a United Nations envoy.... More

The United Nations has formally asked Bolivian authorities to open an investigation into the beating death of a Bolivian deputy minister on Thursday at the hands of miners protesting government environmental policy.... More

The Italian coastguard says that about 6,500 refugees have been rescued in the Mediterranean Sea off the Libyan coast while on a perilous voyage to Europe. ... More

France says it will urge the European Union to end negotiations on a transatlantic free trade deal with the U.S. due to a lack of “political support” in France as doubts are mounting about the prospects of the controversial pact.... More

Brazilian coup president, Michel Temer, has axed a popular national educational program that has successfully taught people how to read and write. ... More

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's domestic popularity has declined, a current poll shows, with 50 percent of Germans against her serving a fourth term in office after a federal election next year.... More

In the United States, divisions are apparently widening between the Republican Party and Donald Trump. ... More

U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump has seen a decrease in a new national poll. ... More

Spain's acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's center-right People's Party, or PP, needs seven votes to form a coalition government by Wednesday to avoid Spain's third national election in a year.... More

The Timbalaye 2016 Festival continues in Matanzas, the cradle of “Rumba”, with a visit to San Severino Castle, the headquarters of the Slave Route Museum... More

Education ministry officials have toured all Cuban provinces checking preparations for school year beginning this September 5th.... More

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, FARC-EP, has announced a permanent ceasefire following a peace deal reached last week between the rebel group and the government.... More
