In Rio de Janeiro, the Olympic Games have come to an end, but a new study is out showing that climate change may affect future athletic gatherings.... More

A recent poll in the United Stats found that five percent of Americans voters would cast their ballot for Harambe, a dead gorilla, if he ran as a presidential candidate in the 2016 elections. ... More

In the United States, IFCO (the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization) and Pastors for Peace, which have been organizing friendship caravans to Cuba in opposition to the U.S. blockade since 1992, has been informed by the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS, it is being stripped of its tax-exempt status. ... More

Angel Vidal, director of the National Company of Educational Supplies and Distribution, said that books and materials are ready of the upcoming school year, which gets started on Monday, September 5th. ... More

Cuba's ambassador in Ecuador, Rafael Dausa, gave a lecture Friday at the Technical University Luis Vargas, in the province of Esmeraldas, on the current state of relations between Cuba and the United States. ... More

The U.S. airline JetBlue will make the first direct commercial flight between the United States and Cuba in more than half a century next Wednesday.... More

The short story A quién pueda interesar (To whom it may concern), by Cuban writer Marilyn Bobes, won the 15th Julio Cortázar Ibero American Award... More

Bolivia’s deputy minister of the interior who was kidnapped Thursday morning has been killed, according to the government of Bolivia in a press conference Thursday night.... More

Israeli military forces have fatally shot a Palestinian man at a military check post near the illegal Ofra settlement in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.... More

In Italy, the death toll from Wednesday’s 6.2-magnitude earthquake continues to rise.... More

In Argentina, the former head of the army during Argentina’s dirty wars has been convicted of crimes against humanity and sentenced to life in prison.... More

The top 10 highest paid actors earned a combined total of $464.5 million, compared to $205 million for the top 10 women combined. ... More

Classrooms were empty across Argentina Wednesday after teachers walked off the job to protest President Mauricio Macri’s neo-liberal education reforms and pressure his administration to resume negotiations with the teachers' union.... More

A director of the opposition political party “Vente Venezuela,” Williams Caballero, said that people “will punish on the streets” the judges of the Supreme Court and the officials of the National Electoral Council... More

The National Bureau of Statistics and Information confirmed that during the first half of 2016, Cuba reached the figure of 2.1 million visitors, for an increase of nearly 12 percent compared to the same period last year.... More
