Unilever is set to open for business in Cuba next year after Dutch government officials rubber-stamped a joint venture with the state firm Intersuchel, reports the Dutch website The Patriarch.... More

Representatives of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, and the government of President Juan Manuel Santos have signed an historic peace accord during a ceremony in Havana. ... More

Thousands of Brazilians have staged a demonstration in the country’s capital to show support for suspended president Dilma Rousseff, whose impeachment trial began on Thursday.... More

On the eve of the country's impeachment trial, 51 of the 54 Senators needed to permanently remove suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff from office had already committed to vote for impeachment when the vote is held next week... More

In Italy, the death toll continues to rise from a devastating 6.2-magnitude earthquake.... More

A new opinion poll in the United States shows over one-fifth of Americans do not support either Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton or her Republican rival Donald Trump.... More

The United Nations says more than 600,000 people have been displaced in Ethiopia since March, largely because of flooding.... More

World leading charity Oxfam has condemned the UK’s weapons support for Saudi Arabia, engaged in an aggressive war against Yemen. ... More

A U.S. Guantanamo prisoner, one of several to be tortured using the now infamous CIA waterboarding technique, has made his first public appearance in 14 years via a video link at a military hearing.... More

Three Central American presidents have announced that they are forming a joint force to combat gangs and organized crime. ... More

In a powerful symbol of the crisis rocking Argentina’s local agricultural sector, fruit growers from the fertile agricultural region of Rio Negro donated more than 22,000 pounds (10,000 kg) of pears and apples in Buenos Aires’ main square ... More

U.S. weapon manufacturers have made bigger contributions to the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, a major turnaround after years of backing the Republican ticket.... More

Haitian President Jocelerme Privert met with university students coming to Cuba for scholarships in the framework of the island's education cooperation with Haiti.... More

A budding tropical disturbance has the potential to strengthen significantly and reach Florida over the weekend with strong winds, coastal flooding and torrential rainfall.... More

In Puerto Rico, Banco Popular, Inc. (BPOP) has announced that it is the second financial institution in the United States and the first in Puerto Rico to enable their credit cards for use in Cuba.... More
