The Israeli regime has drawn up a plan to build 2,500 illegal settler units in the occupied West Bank in defiance of widespread calls to halt such unauthorized construction activities in the Palestinian lands. ... More

A growing number of countries are warning their citizens about traveling to the United States over concerns about mass shootings, police violence, anti-Muslim attitudes and the Zika virus, according to a new report.... More

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says her Republican rival, Donald Trump, 'may still beat' her in the run-up to the 2016 presidential vote. ... More

The Hillary Clinton campaign has embraced its recent endorsement by John Negroponte, the former director of national intelligence.... More

In the U.S. state of Missouri, lawyers have sued 13 St. Louis-area cities, arguing the cities are violating poor citizens' rights by locking them in jail over minor traffic violations. ... More

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has bought a new summer resort for nearly $600 thousand, setting off an uproar among those who supported his bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. ... More

Argentina's Foreign Ministry confirmed it has begun talks with the U.K. over the Malvinas Islands in an effort to allow the European country to begin direct air travel to the South American territory it claims as its own.... More

The Royalty Ballet of the United States will perform for the first time at Havana’s Grand Theater Alicia Alonso on August 20th... More

A panel discussion entitled 'Tribute to Fidel Castro on His 90th Birthday' will be held on August 12th at the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, as part of activities of the World Social Forum (WSF) 2016, which is holding sessions there through August 14th.... More

More than four years after Ecuador offered Swedish authorities the opportunity to interview Julian Assange in the nation’s London embassy, a deal appears to have been struck after Ecuador’s attorney general responded positively to a request from the Swedish government to interview the WikiLeaks founder in the building. ... More

The Continental Association of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a series of activities at the University of Havana.... More

Bolivia's Presidency Minister Juan Ramón Quintana has thanked Cuba for its cooperation with the Andean nation in sectors like education and health.... More

Venezuelans are celebrating the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro with photo exhibitions, book launchings and concerts.... More

Newly released e-mails from U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s time as the former secretary of state have raised questions about possible links between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. ... More

A secret Israeli document has revealed that one of the first Israeli settlements in the West Bank was constructed under false pretenses aimed at bypassing international legislation. ... More
