In the U.S. state of Wisconsin, according to a Marquette University Law School poll, Hillary Clinton is now holding a double-digit lead over Donald Trump.... More

The U.S. Air Force has solicited industry proposals to build a new fleet of land-based nuclear missiles and also replace its air-launched nuclear cruise missiles in a bid to almost entirely rebuild the country's nuclear arms. ... More

Hillary Clinton’s selection of a white, male centrist running-mate -- Virginia Senator Tim Kaine -- signals that the Democratic presidential nominee plans to battle Republican presidential nominee for his most ardent supporters: white males, the angrier the better.... More

Thirty-six senators, including Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine, are pushing to add $320 million for Israeli missile defense to next year’s defense appropriations bill. ... More

The world is on track for its hottest year on record and levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have reached new highs, further fuelling global warming. According to the United Nations weather agency, June marked the 14th consecutive month of record heat for land and oceans. ... More

In Pakistan, lawyers have launched a three-day nationwide strike to mourn the deaths of dozens of their colleagues in a suicide bomb attack outside a hospital in Quetta earlier this week. At least 74 people were killed, and 120 more were wounded. ... More

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says her Republican rival, Donald Trump, “may still beat” her in the run-up to the 2016 presidential vote. ... More

Despite pressure from pro-Israeli groups and opposition from its own party leader, Canada's Green Party has endorsed a growing international boycott against Israel's occupation as part of its official platform.... More

Members of the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity sent a congratulatory message to Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro on his 90th birthday, on August 13th.... More

The President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Commission Jacinto Suárez congratulated Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro on his 90th birthday, to be celebrated this coming Saturday.... More

Brazil's Senate has voted to hold an impeachment trial for suspended president Dilma Rousseff, pushing her one step closer to dismissal from office. Following a nearly 20-hour debate on Wednesday, 59 senators voted in favor of the impeachment and 21 against. ... More

The U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale of nearly $1.5 billion in munitions -- including 130 Abrams battle tanks and 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment -- to Saudi Arabia. ... More

Cuban diplomats in Argentina and relatives of victims of the military dictatorship paid tribute on Wednesday to two Cuban diplomats who were forcibly disappeared in the South American country 40 years ago.... More

Cuba's friends in Lebanon sent cordial greetings to the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro, wishing him a happy 90th birthday on Saturday, August 13th. ... More

At the request of the U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has released a statement, announcing that U.S. air marshals will travel on certain flights to and from Cuba. ... More
