As the Brazilian Senate prepared to vote on suspended President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment trial Tuesday, the coup-imposed government of Michel Temer built a wall outside the National Congress to keep protesters from reaching the area. ... More

In the United States, former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said: "To many Brazilians and observers the controversial impeachment process against Dilma Rousseff more closely resembles a coup d'etat." ... More

Fifty Republican national security officials, including former top aides or Cabinet members to President George W. Bush, have signed a letter declaring Donald Trump unfit to be president. ... More

Thousands of campesinos poured into the streets of Mexico City to celebrate the birthday of the iconic Mexican Revolution leader Emiliano Zapata and to demand more federal government support for infrastructure and development in rural areas, local media reported.... More

As Hillary Clinton attempts to seal Henry Kissinger's endorsement, documents reveal how he undermined Jimmy Carter's human rights agenda in Argentina. ... More

A top American Nazi leader says the rise of Donald Trump yields a “real opportunity” for white supremacists in the 2016 presidential election. ... More

U.S. war resisters who went to Canada to avoid serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are asking Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to allow them to remain in the country. ... More

The Global Footprint Network has calculated the date each year since 2006, and each year it is earlier and earlier. ... More

Activities to celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro in Venezuela began Monday in Barinas, the home state of Bolivarian leader, the late Hugo Chávez. ... More

A U.S. federal appeals court has ruled in favor of the oil giant Chevron in a case that dates back more than 20 years, blocking one of Ecuador's indigenous communities from collecting a judgment of nearly $8.6 billion for environmental damage to the Amazon rain forest. ... More

Cuba and Seychelles have deepened cooperation in a number of areas, especially in the health sector, in the past four years. ... More

Hundreds of Palestinians detained in Israeli jails have launched a hunger strike, protesting in solidarity with Bilal Kayed, who has be detained without trial, as well to call attention to poor prison conditions. ... More

Engage Cuba, a leading coalition of private companies and organizations working to lift Washington's travel and trade restrictions on Cuba, has joined state leaders to launch the bipartisan Engage Cuba New Mexico State Council.... More

The Continental Association of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) will meet in Havana to celebrate the organization's 50th anniversary.... More

The state of Israel will be spying on hundreds of activists and organizations in the country and in the Palestinian West Bank, as part of a new task force charged with eliminating foreign activists from the country who support the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment Movement, or BDS, against Israel.... More
