In the United States, supporters of the man who punched Dylann Roof, the white gunman accused of killing nine Black parishioners at a Charleston, South Carolina, church in June 2015, started an online fundraising campaign that led to the vigilante-turned-hero’s release early Saturday morning.... More

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said he will continue to review whether to keep Saudi Arabia’s military on a U.N. list of militaries that kill children.... More

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is expected to propose reopening an inquiry into allegations that former U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld was assassinated by a South African paramilitary organization supported by the CIA and British intelligence. ... More

In the United States, ten thousand people have signed a petition circulated by California Congressmember Karen Bass calling on mental health professionals to determine whether Donald Trump is fit to be president.... More

In the U.S. city of Chicago, hundreds of protesters marched through the streets and blocked traffic in a series of demonstrations following the release of video showing the fatal police shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager.... More

Cuba says a U.S. policy of treating Cubans arriving at U.S. soil as legal immigrants is driving many to make the costly and risky trip.... More

Venezuelan Minister of Communication and Information Luís José Marcano said a broad program of activities is being organized across the country to celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro.... More

Cuba's Meteorology Institute (INSMET) and Panama's Electricity Transmission Company S.A. have signed an agreement for scientific and technical cooperation on climate issues.... More

Cubans and Dominicans celebrated the 90th birthday of Cuban revolution Leader Fidel Castro, to be marked on August 13th. ... More

Mudslides triggered by intense rainfall in eastern Mexico killed 40 people over the weekend. According to reports, saturated hillsides collapsed on to houses in the states of Veracruz and Puebla. ... More

The Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO, says Israel is after stealing the entire Palestinian territories through confiscating more private land in the occupied West Bank. ... More

Brazil's coup president Michel Temer was accused of bribery and providing illegal payments to members of his government, according to legal documents obtained by Brazilian media outlet Veja. ... More

Former Saudi intelligence chief and long-time Ambassador to Washington Prince Bandar bin Sultan has been linked to an al-Qaeda operative by the co-chair of a recent U.S. probe into the 9/11 terror incidents. ... More

Anti-nuclear cyclists have picketed outside the White House, in Washington DC to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bombing of Hiroshima.... More

In the United States, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump has reached eight points following both parties' presidential nominating conventions. ... More
