Young Cuban National Ballet dancers will participate at a gala of the 64th Ravello Festival in Italy on August 20th... More

Brazil's interim President Michel Temer was booed and jeered inside the Maracana stadium Friday evening after announcing the start of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. ... More

Hiroshima on Saturday marked the 71st anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing, with Mayor Kazumi Matsui calling on world leaders to do more to abolish nuclear weapons.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales has issued a scathing criticism of the Pacific Alliance Trade Bloc -- referring to it as a “political, military and financial arm of the empire.” The Bolivian leader said that the Alliance "seeks to put an end to the regional integration initiatives of MERCOSUR, UNASUR and CELAC.” ... More

U.S. President Barack Obama's administration is planning to reinforce the Pentagon's Cyber Command in order to repel cyber attacks and punish intruders of American computer networks.... More

British activists linked to the U.S.-based Black Lives Matter movement have staged a rally in London to protest against police violence in the United Kingdom. On Friday, the protesters took to the streets in the British capital to express their dissatisfaction about police racism and violence, blocking a road that leads to London's Heathrow Airport. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez said her country will not accept the so-called “boycott” carried out by the three member states of the regional trade bloc who are trying to stop Caracas from assuming Mercosur's chairmanship. ... More

The United states, NATO and Western forces in Afghanistan have been doing more harm than good for the country in its fight against the Taliban and other extremists as the country struggles with stability some 14 years since the U.S-led invasion, former Afghan President Hamid Karzai said in a recent interview. ... More

Ex-President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe began the official campaign against the peace agreement between the government and the FARC rebels. Uribe said that way back "we must vote 'No' to the illegitimate referendum," said Uribe. "To approve the illegitimate referendum would mean accepting impunity... instead of deterring crime it makes it bigger and sets an example for more and new violence." ... More

Less than three months away from general elections in Nicaragua, a poll revealed that 67.3 percent of Nicaraguans support the current government, led by President Daniel Ortega. ... More

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has officially endorsed House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain in their primary race for re-election, ending a rift with two of the GOP's most influential figures. ... More

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is trailing rival Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by less than 3 percentage points, a new poll shows. ... More

The white racist shooter who massacred nine African-American church was reportedly assaulted Thursday morning by a fellow inmate. The website Taking a Stand Against Discrimination (TASAD) launched an online donation campaign inmate Dwayne Stafford after he assaulted fellow prisoner Dylann Roof, the white gunman accused of killing nine Black parishioners at a Charleston, South Carolina, church in June 2015. ... More

Argentinean human rights activist and president of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, said she attended a rally Friday in the coastal city of Mar del Plata, despite being summoned by a court to make a statement, following an arrest warrant filed against her. ... More

Pentagon Wants Psychologists to Reverse Ban on Aiding Torture ... More
