People from several Latin American countries shared yesterday in Ecuador a political-cultural gala to celebrate the 90th birthday of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.... More

The Canadian hotel firm Blue Diamond Resort (BDR) presented in Holguin, on the occasion of the summer season, its tourist package and offers in order to strengthen the domestic market, the second largest demand for that chain.... More

Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo met Friday in Havana with his visiting counterpart Gabriela Rivadeneira.... More

With the Brazilian Senate voting Thursday to proceed with impeachment charges against suspended President Dilma Rousseff, her defense attorney has questioned the committee’s failure to consider key wiretap evidence that strongly suggests corruption allegations are a ruse intended to obscure a politically-calculated coup attempt. ... More

The Chapel of Man Museum, in Quito, Ecuador, was chosen to host a political and cultural gala as part of celebrations in the Andean nation on the 90th birthday of Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro.... More

More than 300 Palestinians have taken part in separate hunger strikes at Israeli prisons to voice their outrage over mistreatment and show solidarity with a fellow inmate. ... More

Cuba friends and solidarity activists in the United States are carrying out a series of activities to celebrate the 90th birthday of Cuban revolution leader Fidel Castro.... More

The visiting Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity with Cuba Brigade paid tribute on Thursday to Argentinean-Cuban legendary guerrilla commander Ernesto 'Che' Guevara, at the memorial complex bearing his name in Central Villa Clara province.... More

In the Philippines, police, military and vigilantes have killed more than 400 people in a crackdown against drug crime since President Rodrigo Duterte took office a month ago. ... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez met with her Colombian counterpart María Ángela Holguín on Thursday in order to discuss a range of issues, including border security, education and infrastructure projects. ... More

A new poll shows that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has taken a 15-percentage point lead over her Republican rival, Donald Trump, in the run-up to the 2016 US presidential race. ... More

The World Bank has approved its new “Environmental and Social Framework” which civil society groups say weakens human rights protections and will likely endanger the very communities the safeguards are intended to protect. ... More

The suicide rate among U..S military veterans has increased by more than 30 percent since 2001, a larger rise than in the wider population of the United States, according to a new government study. ... More

Argentineans are protesting on social media and demanding the Argentinean government release Milagro Sala, an imprisoned Indigenous activist and lawmaker.... More

In the United States, the chief executive officer of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has announced her resignation after an e-mail hack scandal that caused a rift in the party during the run-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential race.... More
