Thirty-six senators, including Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine, are pushing to add $320 million for Israeli missile defense to next year’s defense appropriations bill on Capitol Hill. ... More

The Brazilian government has deployed 82,000 police, military, and private security for the Rio Olympics, which get underway on Friday.... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has appointed Major General Nestor Reverol as the new head of the Ministry of Interior, Justice and Peace. ... More

The Israeli parliament has approved a controversial bill that enables the regime to jail children as young as 12 convicted of alleged "terrorist offenses" amid growing acts of violence against Palestinians in the occupied territories. ... More

The latest death toll in flooding from heavy monsoon rains in India has reached more than 180 people, while displacing more than 7 million people. According to local news reports, Indian rescue teams are searching for two buses carrying 22 passengers that were washed away on Wednesday in flood waters after a bridged collapse in western India. ... More

A photo exhibition dedicated to Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro was inaugurated Wednesday in Bolivia, as part of a series of activities in the Andean nation to celebrate Fidel's 90th birthday on August 13th.... More

An Ecuadorean collective called “Rafael Always With You” says it has collected more than 930,000 of the one million signatures it needs for the country’s National Electoral Council to allow a referendum on whether to let President Rafael Correa stand in next year's election. ... More

A new Cuban medical brigade has arrived in Gauteng province, capital city Pretoria, raising the number of Cuban health professionals offering their services in South Africa to over 400. ... More

At least twenty-two people have been killed and twenty more injured in a car bombing attack that targeted security forces in Libya's Benghazi. ... More

Ecuadorian Parliament President Gabriela Rivadeneira will arrive in Cuba on Thursday, August 4th, for a two-day working visit, invited by First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and her Cuban counterpart Esteban Lazo. ... More

The Argentinean municipality of Montecarlo, in the province of Misiones, has been declared free of illiteracy, after the successful application of the Cuban teaching method 'Yo Si Puedo' (Yes, I Can).... More

China promotes the development of biotechnology with the construction of the Biotechnology Cooperation Industrial Zone in the province of Jilin, with Cuba's assistance. ... More

The National Workers' Union of Uruguay paid tribute to the Cuban health brigades working in the South American country.... More

The U.S. and Colombia have held talks relating to ending the armed conflict in the country and signing a landmark peace agreement with the FARC, with officials pledging to make Colombia landmine-free. ... More

A senior official of the Greek government says that refugee camps on the islands of Lesbos, Chios and Samos are dangerously over capacity with the arrival of migrants from Turkey after the failed coup in that country.... More
