The United Nations says nearly 760 people lost their lives and more than 1,200 others sustained injuries as a result of acts of terrorism and violence in Iraq in the month of July.... More

Attorneys for accused killer Dylann Storm Roof have filed a motion arguing the death penalty would be an unconstitutional punishment for their client. ... More

A coalition of groups in the Movement for Black Lives has called for reparations for slavery and criminal justice reforms in a sweeping policy platform.... More

Imprisoned U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning faces new charges after she tried to commit suicide in early July. ... More

Former U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has openly opposed Donald Trump’s candidacy, says it is very likely that the Republican nominee wins the presidential election in November. ... More

The leaders of the two main political parties in Spain have failed to reach an agreement to form a government, leaving the country in a political deadlock that could lead citizens to another election less than two months after the last one. ... More

The U.S. government has reached an agreement with the family of Giovanni Lo Porto, an Italian aid worker killed in a CIA drone strike in Pakistan last year. ... More

The rapporteur of Brazil’s special Senate committee on impeachment, Antonio Anastasia, delivered the recommendations from his report on Tuesday over whether to move forward with an impeachment trial against suspended president Dilma Rousseff. ... More

A video game is being developed in the United States, in which the player can torture prisoners in a jail in Iraq by assuming the role of a U.S. soldier. Work on the video project started two years ago by a designer team in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ... More

Indian officials say the death toll from floods caused by heavy monsoon rains has risen to 100 people, with nearly one million leaving their homes and taking shelter in relief camps. ... More

Cuban troubadours and singers at the Political Song Festival demanded the return of Gtmo to the island... More

Cuba's Deputy Foreign Minister Abelardo Moreno said in Havana that bilateral dialogue with the United States on compensation claims is in the first stages, adding that it's a matter of “highly political, technical and judicial complexity.”... More

Cuba has renewed its demand for compensation for damages and losses caused over nearly 60 years of U.S. blockade against the Caribbean state.... More

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France issued a press release in which it welcomes an agreement signed between the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Cuba and the French Development Agency (AFD) to finance projects on the island.... More

Members of the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Brigade, which arrived in Cuba Monday, said they came to participate alongside the Cuban people in celebrations on the 90th birthday of Revolution leader Fidel Castro. ... More
