U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing questions about a federal lawsuit in which a woman accuses Trump of raping her in 1994 when she was only 13 years old.... More

British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has apologized on behalf of the Labour Party for its role in pushing Britain into the Iraq War.... More

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes

A half dozen women have spoken out about being sexually harassed by Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes.... More

The vast majority of Americans say they feel afraid if one of the presumptive U.S. presidential nominees — Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton — is elected to the White House. ... More

A tropical storm has swept across China’s southeastern province of Fujian, killing nearly 70 people.... More

Former London Mayor Boris Johnson

In Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May took office on Wednesday. One of her first appointments was former London Mayor Boris Johnson as foreign secretary.... More

U.S. singer and producer Pharrell Williams has cancelled a planned concert in Tel Aviv less than two weeks before the event, though it´s unclear if the entertainer caved to pressure from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction movement for an international embargo against Israel. ... More

Cuban UN Representative Ana Silvia Rodriguez

Cuba issued a call at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday asking that the practice of double standards, selectiveness and political manipulation in the area of human rights come to an end.... More

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra and his Italian counterpart Mario Giro took note in Havana on Wednesday of the good state of relations between Cuba and Italy.... More

The Cuban government announced late Wednesday changes of leadership in two ministries. ... More

Teachers from Latin American countries present at the 12th International Meeting on Early Education had words of praise for Cuban solidarity, which they said has fostered education in many of the continent's nations.... More

Mexican Minister of Education Aurelio Nuño Mayer said Wednesday that he will revise the education reform that has been at the center of intense CNTE-led protests, but that he will only consult the rival SNTE union.... More

A highway blockade in support of Mexico’s striking teachers is increasingly gaining popular support in the capital of the southern state of Chiapas, La Jornada reported on Wednesday.... More

Bolivian and Argentinean state-owned oil companies signed an agreement Wednesday for exploring and exploiting hydrocarbons in Charagua in the Bolivian Amazonian department of Santa Cruz.... More

Around 4,000 Argentinean tourists who travelled to Chile at the weekend were now stuck there as the Cristo Redentor border crossing was closed due to heavy snow, local media reported on Wednesday.... More
