Demonstrations are continuing across the United States over the fatal police shootings of Alton Sterling in the U.S. state of Louisiana, and Philando Castile in Minnesota.... More

A prominent civil rights group has criticized tactics used by U.S. police against people who were protesting at recent killings of African Americans. ... More

A new poll shows that presumptive U.S. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s lead over her Republican rival, Donald Trump, has fallen to three points across the country.... More

Seventy-six prisoners remain in the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, after the U.S. transferred three prisoners in the past 48 hours.... More

Russell "Maroon" Shoatz

In the United States, a former Black Panther held for more than two decades in solitary confinement has won a permanent reprieve from solitary and nearly $100,000 in a settlement with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.... More

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair could be barred from future public office in the United Kingdom.... More

Over 400 mines in Mexico use enough water to meet the annual needs of 3.2 million people, more than one-fifth of the Mexican population without running water in their homes, according to an investigation reported by local media Monday. ... More

U.S. state and local spending on prisons and jails grew at three times the rate of spending on schools over the last 33 years as the number of people behind bars ballooned under a spate of harsh sentencing laws, according to a government report issued in Washington. ... More

The 2016 contingent of the Puerto Rican Juan Rius Rivera Solidarity with Cuba Brigade arrived in Havana on Monday.... More

Hola amigos radioaficionados all around the world .. I am Arnie Coro radio amateur CO2KK, the host of this program that today begins with the following statement : The Sunspots are Back.... More

The Venezuelan orders Bicentennial of the Battle of Araure and Argimiro Gabaldon have been awarded Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro on the occasion of his 90th birthday this August 13th. ... More

Student leaders from Latin America will meet in a month in Havana to celebrate the 50th birthday of OCLAE, Continental Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Students. ... More

The Puerto Rican Juan Rius Rivera Solidarity with Cuba Brigade is expected to arrive in Havana today. ... More

A new survey reveals that 491 people were killed by police in the United States during the first six months of 2016, showing an increase from 465 victims in the same period last year. ... More

Tony Blair’s deputy prime minister John Prescott says that the UK broke international law when it joined the invasion of Iraq in 2003.... More
