At least 123 German police officers have been injured in clashes with thousands of leftist protesters in Berlin. ... More

The Palestinian Authority will stop cooperating with the so-called Quartet on the Middle East — which seeks to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — after accusing it of bias in favor of Israel. ... More

Lawyers for imprisoned U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning are demanding access to their client, after unconfirmed reports surfaced last week about a possible suicide attempt. ... More

Thousands of Honduran students poured into the streets in the capital city of Tegucigalpa Sunday to protest the government's efforts to privatize higher education.... More

The Criminal Chamber of the National Court of Justice upheld a lower court sentence in the conviction of a military official, identified as Fernando E., for the crime of race-based hatred toward Michael Arce, a former cadet at the Eloy Alfaro Military School.... More

In a landmark legal effort to prosecute systemic wartime sexual violence, fourteen former military officers are being tried in a Peruvian court for the rape of indigenous women during the country's two-decades-long “dirty war”... More

The daughter of late socialist leader Salvador Allende, Isabel, said Saturday that she is “more than ready” to run for the presidency of Chile.... More

Cuba's gross national product grew one percent during the first half of 2016, in spite of an adverse economic scenario, said President Raul Castro on Friday as he closed the mid-year session of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power.... More

Cuba's gross national product grew one percent during the first half of 2016, in spite of an adverse economic scenario, said President Raul Castro on Friday as he closed the mid-year session of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power.... More

Cuban deputies described President Raul Castro's closing speech at the National Assembly of People's Power as enlightening, guiding and motivating.... More

Former Chilean Army Commander Juan Emilio Cheyre, along with six military officials, was arrested Thursday in Chile for his involvement in the death of 15 people as part of an operation known as the Death Caravan, launched a month after the Pinochet coup in October 1973.... More

Paraguayan Foreign Minister Eladio Loizaga has confirmed that the foreign ministers of the member-states of the Mercosur trade bloc will meet this coming Monday to discuss the political situation of Venezuela.... More

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto praised his administration Friday for being the most effective in terms of job creation, citing more than two million new jobs created so far by his government, a number he hailed as "historic."... More

Zapatista Indigenous groups delivered almost three tons of food to the striking teachers of the CNTE dissident union in the impoverished state of Chiapas in southern Mexico.... More

U.S. journalist Peter Greenberg and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa

As part of efforts to promote tourism, the government of Ecuador held a special presentation of “The Royal Tour” documentary hosted by U.S. journalist Peter Greenberg and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa.... More
