The United Nations Council on Human Rights has adopted a declaration on the right to peace sponsored by Cuba.... More

Former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez

Former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutiérrez criticized U.S. banks for blocking economic and trade relations with Cuba, when they should instead take advantage of executive measures adopted by the Obama administration to ease restrictions on trade with the Caribbean state.... More

Cuban Vice President Ramiro Valdes

Cuban Vice President Ramiro Valdes reviewed progress in the construction of the mining project at Castellanos, in western Pinar del Rio province, considered to be Cuba's largest mining investment.... More

Honduran riot police have arrested at least 24 students out of hundreds who had occupied a building of the National Autonomous University of Honduras to protest against the privatization of universities across the country.... More

Mexican authorities have agreed to pay reparations for a violent police crackdown on teacher protests in Nochixtlan, Oaxaca earlier this month that left 11 dead and dozens more injured.... More

PetroPeru has been involved in its third oil spill of the year in the Peruvian Amazon in the north eastern state of Loreto according to local health and environmental bodies.... More

More than 300 Colombian workers from Bogota’s municipality began a hunger strike on Friday after it was announced they will be laid off from their jobs.... More

Suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff said Thursday that former president and leader of the Workers Party, Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva will be a candidate for the next presidential elections in 2018.... More

Thousands of Uruguayan workers protested on the streets of Montevideo demanding better working conditions and more social spending as part of a four hour general strike.... More

Jailed Argentinean Indigenous leader Milagro Sala, dubbed the first political prisoner of President Mauricio Macri’s administration, refuses to testify after more than five months in prison, claiming that justice will only bend to the “whims” of the provincial governor who ordered her arrest.... More

Bangladeshi forces stormed an upscale Dhaka restaurant to end a hostage-taking by heavily armed terrorists early Saturday, killing six of the attackers and rescuing 13 captives including foreigners.... More

Israeli warplanes have launched several airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in yet another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian coastal territory.... More

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in London, in a second show of public anger this week over the county’s vote to leave the European Union.... More

Airstrikes in the city of al-Quriyah, in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, have killed 25 children, according to the United Nations Children's Fund.... More

A newly-released internal CIA report has revealed how the agency arrested, imprisoned and interrogated German citizen Khalid El-Masri at a secret prison in Afghanistan, even though the CIA knew he was not the man they had been looking for.... More
