U.S. aerial strikes “outside areas of active hostilities” have killed up to 116 civilians since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, according to a report by the White House.... More

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said his government is determined to further advance his country's friendship and cooperation ties with Cuba.... More

A solemn ceremony has taken place in Havana to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).... More

Cuba and Sweden have signed an agreement to restructure Cuba's debt with the European country.... More

The third working meeting between Cuban and U.S. officials was held June 29th and 30th, in Havana.... More

U.S. President Barack Obama has signed into law the so-called PROMESA bill, which will establish a federally appointed control board with sweeping powers to run Puerto Rico’s economy.... More

The Wall Street Journal has published an analysis that reveals how Puerto Rico has experienced a severe, decade-long depopulation. ... More

The first group of United Nations observers arrived in Colombia to help with the monitoring and verification of the recently signed bilateral cease-fire between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a U.N. spokesperson Farhan Haq confirmed. ... More

The heads of government from Mexico, Canada, and the United States gathered in Ottawa for the "Three Amigos" Summit in order to push trade liberalization, and specifically the TPP.... More

Ecuador's Foreign Minister Guillaume Long said that he suspects British intelligence to have spied on Julian Assange in the London-based Ecuadorean embassy where has has received asylum for the past four years.... More

Jair Bolsonaro Brazilian outspoken lawmaker

Brazil's Congress has opened an ethics investigation into Jair Bolsonaro, an outspoken lawmaker whose views on torture, rape and homosexuality are sparking concern that the country's political crisis may foster an authoritarian political revival.... More

Trade unions have strongly rejected the French government’s new amendments to controversial labor reforms, which have sparked months of nationwide violent protests across the European country. ... More

French President Hollande has threatened to use a constitutional amendment to bypass parliament and approve a highly unpopular labor reform “if needed.” ... More

Millions of people are attending International Quds Day rallies across Iran and other countries, to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn Israeli atrocities.... More

Japanese auto giant Toyota Motor Corporation has recalled more than three million vehicles globally due to a couple of defective parts.... More
