Cuba reaffirmed its commitment to continue contributing to the fight against racism, beyond its borders, through selfless, voluntary cooperation, and sacrifice by their aid workers.... More

Maria Esther Reus, Minister of Justice of Cuba, and her counterpart in China, Wu Aiying, have agreed on the potential shared by both countries to exchange experiences in this area.... More

A report prepared by analysts in the Brazilian Senate says there is no evidence that suspended President Dilma Rousseff participated in fiscal wrongdoing, one of the causes that led to the opening of the impeachment process against her.... More

Argentinean President Mauricio Macri

Argentinean President Mauricio Macri’s approval rating has plummeted since he first assumed office, according to a newly-released study.... More

Former Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo

The Guasu Front -- the main leftist electoral alliance in Paraguay -- has confirmed that former President Fernando Lugo will run for the presidency in the 2018 general elections.... More

In the U.S. State of Florida, a jury has found a former Chilean army officer liable for the murder of folk singer and activist Víctor Jara in 1973.... More

Bolivia has launched a campaign against the H1N1 virus after a surge of cases in 2016.... More

Brazilian Interim President Michel Temer

Three quarters of Brazilians reject Senate-imposed interim president Michel Temer while suspended President Dilma Rousseff has a lower disapproval rating than before the impeachment, according to an IPSOS poll published Monday.... More

Israeli military forces have once again raided the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the Israeli-occupied Old City of Jerusalem and engaged in scuffles with a group of Palestinians there. ... More

At least 14 people have been killed and 32 more wounded in a bombing attack at a mosque in western Baghdad. According to police and medical sources, an attacker detonated his explosive vest at the mosque in the capital’s western suburb of Abu Ghraib early on Tuesday.... More

Lawyers working on the case of Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency whistle-blower, are ramping up pressure on U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration for a presidential pardon. ... More

Ecuador's Foreign Minister Guillaume Long said he has received threats from British diplomats, while they continued to refuse to cooperate with the asylum case of Julian Assange. ... More

Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has announced on that it has downgraded Britain’s AAA credit rating by two notches to AA, while warning of more downgrades in the coming months as the country was taking steps to leave the EU following a referendum last week.... More

Cuban First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel

First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel led the Cuban delegation to the official inauguration Sunday of the Panama Canal Expansion. ... More

Chinese President Xi Jinping

Chinese President Xi Jinping received Cuban leader Raul Castro's special envoy Salvador Valdes Mesa on Monday at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing.... More
