Minister of Foreign Affairs of Portugal Augusto Ernesto Santos Silva will arrive in Havana Sunday for an official visit.... More

The Cuban medication Heberprot-P, used in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers, has received a license to begin clinical trials in the United States.... More

With the strengthening of partnerships, productive business engagements and technology alliances with countries like China, Russia and Italy, the Second International Convention & Exposition of the Cuban Industry, CubaIndustria 2016 concluded in Havana. ... More

Health Minister in the South African province of Gauteng, Quedani Mahlangu, said that the arrival there of a new Cuban health brigade, made up of 23 professionals, is further evidence of the excellent state of bilateral friendship and cooperation relations between Cuba and South Africa.... More

An extraordinary session of the Organization of American States (OAS) on Venezuela ended late Friday without a condemnation of the Latin American country, seen by many as a victory of Venezuelan diplomacy and a blow to Venezuelan oppositon and its international acolites. ... More

Social movements and civil society groups across Colombia issued their support following Thursday's cease-fire agreement between FARC rebels and the Colombian government. ... More

Tens of thousands of people opposed to France's hotly contested labor reforms were back in the streets of Paris in the first violence-free protest in weeks, refusing the government's demand to hold a "static gathering" instead of a march, alleging security concerns.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales said Friday that the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union is a sign the capitalist system and the European Union are in a state of crisis.... More

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto vetoed a package of anti-corruption bills on Thursday, asking Congress to change a measure that would have forced people or firms who receive government funding to publicly disclose their assets.... More

The secretary of Indigenous Affairs in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, gripped in a violent police crackdown against striking teachers, has resigned over the state repression against striking teachers.... More

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says the whistleblower website has a “very big year” ahead, with more revelations expected to rattle U.S. presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. ... More

A single-seater plane has successfully completed the first-ever solar-powered flight over the Atlantic.... More

President Raúl Castro met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Thursday afternoon in Havana.... More

Cuba and Denmark have reached an agreement to restructure the Caribbean country's short-term debt with the European country.... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales

Bolivian President Evo Morales has demanded the return of the portion of Cuban territory illegally occupied by the U.S, Naval Base in Guantánamo.... More
