A large Cuban delegation is participating in the 22nd Meeting of the Forum of São Paulo in San Salvador, the Salvadorian capital.... More

The President of the State Duma, the lower chamber of Russian parliament, Serguéi Narishkin said Cuba is his country's most reliable partner in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

Participants in the 2nd Cuban Industrial Convention and Fair, Cubaindustria 2016, have learned about the environmentally-friendly investments promoted by Cuba in such areas as refrigeration, using natural gas and other renewable energy sources. ... More

A bilateral cease fire agreement has been signed between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples’ Army (FARC-EP) and the Colombian government.... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has met with a U.S. envoy in Caracas amid tension between the two countries.... More

Hundreds of thousands of Mexican doctors went on strike in over 70 cities on Wednesday to protest neoliberal health reform and to support the heavily-repressed mobilizations of teachers and their supporters against education reform in Mexico’s southern, largely Indigenous states. ... More

Brazil Coup Leader Eduardo Cunha

Brazil's Supreme Court indicted suspended speaker of the lower house Eduardo Cunha Wednesday on charges of money laundering and illegal currency dealing, dragging the powerful politician further into the sweeping scandal involving state-oil company Petrobras.... More

The number of Central American migrants fleeing across the United States border continues to soar, despite a concerted deportation campaign in recent months... More

Voters across Britain went to the polls today in a historic referendum known as Brexit to decide whether to leave or remain in the European Union.... More

A masked and armed man has been shot dead by German police after he stormed a cinema complex in Viernheim town, near the city of Frankfurt.... More

Granting more clemencies would help fight mass incarceration, according to a letter signed by 41 criminal justice activists, lawyers, and law professors and sent to U.S. President Barack Obama Tuesday.... More

Intellectuals from around the world are gathering in Quito, Ecuador this week to amplify the international call for Julian Assange’s release and for his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, along with whistleblowers Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.... More

The International Monetary Fund is warning the United States to tackle poverty, downgrading its forecast for the country’s economy this year.... More

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Havana to attend Thursday's signing of a historic ceasefire agreement between the Colombian government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the country's largest guerrilla group –the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples’ Army (FARC-EP). ... More

President of the United Nations General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft

The President of the United Nations General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft arrives in Cuba Wednesday for an official visit. The Cuban Foreign Ministry (MINREX) said that the UN official will meet with Cuban authorities and visit places of interest.... More
