Arte en la Rampa in July

With a renewed image and design, the Cuban Art Fair - Arte en la Rampa- will be held at Havana’s Pabellón Cuba July 1/September 18... More

Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa paid tribute on Tuesday to Vietnamese independence hero Ho Chi Minh, as part of an official visit to the Asian country, aimed at strengthening bilateral relations.... More

Russia featured prominently on the second day of Havana's International Industrial Fair and Convention 'Cubaindustria 2016'.... More

Cuba has renewed its call at the United Nations for the prohibition and elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, as the best and only way to prevent them from falling into the hands of extremists and terrorists.... More

At the United Nations Cuba has demanded respect for Puerto Rico’s right to self-determination and independence.... More

The Organization of American States convened a special session with Venezuela on Tuesday before it decides whether to suspend the country from the OAS using the Democratic Charter.... More

The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) hope to sign a final peace agreement by next month, which could put an end to more than 50 years of conflict that has affected more than six million people.... More

Teachers strikes in Oaxaca have escalated as more armed police mobilize to the south, ending with the death of nine civilians on Sunday.... More

In Mexico, Gabino Cue, the outgoing governor of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, was forced to return to his state from a lavish wedding in neighboring Guerrero state after police action left at least six dead and 51 wounded in the town of Nochixtlan.... More

Two top executives involved in Brazil's ongoing corruption scandals are competing to reach a plea bargain with Brazilian authorities.... More

Prosecutors in France have launched a preliminary probe into allegations that French soldiers deployed to the Central African Republic (CAR) physically abused two civilians or stood by as others beat them.... More

Israel, which is widely believed to possess hundreds of atomic bombs, says it is not yet ready to ratify a UN pact on banning nuclear tests adopted nearly 20 years ago.... More

Russia has donated over 25 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria, in the provinces of Homs and Aleppo, the Russian Defense Ministry stated. ... More

Severe floods have claimed the lives of at least 22 people and left 20 others missing over the past three days in southern China... More

The leftist coalition Unidos Podemos has ended the two party system tradition in Spain which has existed since the country's so-called transition to democracy after the Francisco Franco dictatorship. ... More
