Tens of thousands of Palestinians are without safe drinking water amid scorching heat and the fasting month of Ramadan after Israel cut water supplies to key areas in the West Bank.... More

Israel is planning to build a massive concrete wall which will extend both bellow and above the ground along the besieged Gaza Strip, an Israeli media report says.... More

Israel’s Office of the Prime Minister is still considering approval of a $540,000 bill for a five-day trip by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to New York, which included $1,750 for makeup, $1,600 for hair and $20,000 for moving hotel furniture.... More

Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Trade Jesús Faría announced Wednesday that his country and Cuba will increase investment in tourism, the oil, iron and steel industries, among other sectors.... More

Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko

Belorussian President Alexander Lukashenko says he sees good potential for economic cooperation between his country and Cuba, based on long-standing friendship bonds forged during the Soviet-era.... More

José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee

José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee, called on Matanzas province to increase agricultural food production.... More

Public debates on Cuba's future began Wednesday at the Havana-based Center for Generic Engineering and Biotechnology.... More

Cuban health authorities have reported the 17th case of imported Zika infection, the patient being a Cuban collaborator, who returned from Venezuela, where she was fulfilling a mission as part of existing cooperation programs.... More

The Organization of American States, the OAS, will meet next week to continue discussing the situation in Venezuela, as member states overwhelmingly support dialogue, not intervention.... More

The representative from Nicaragua at the Organization of American States meeting in Santo Domingo said Luis Almagro's behavior was “illegal, disrespectful and arrogant” and made him unfit for office.... More

Observers in Brazil say that a series of unpopular measures by the coup government of Michel Temer have made for an unhappy and pessimistic population.... More

The cry for justice for murdered Honduran environmental leader Berta Caceres was amplified on Wednesday as international solidarity activists protested outside Honduran embassies in cities around the world.... More

Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Guillaume Long

Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Guillaume Long has called for reform of the Inter-American Human Rights System during the Organization of American States (OAS) meeting this week... More

Indigenous people deep in the Brazilian Amazon are literally staking their claim to their ancestral territory in a symbolic action aimed at giving visibility to their years-long land struggle and ramping up their fight against a controversial hydroelectric mega-dam project slated for a local river.... More

Colombian lawmakers have approved a legally binding measure that will incorporate the peace deal between the government and FARC guerrillas into the country’s constitution.... More
