In Mexico, teachers from the CNTE union have pledged to increase their protest actions after the government arrested several of their leaders. ... More

A U.S. official says the U.S. administration is ready to incorporate missile funds in a decade-long agreement on military aid to Israel.... More

China has been angered by what it views as provocative U.S. military patrols close to islands that China controls in the South China Sea.... More

The bodies of nearly three dozen refugees, including women and children, have been found in Niger’s Sahara Desert, where they were apparently abandoned by smugglers en route to neighboring Algeria and eventually Europe.... More

In the United States, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC cut the live coverage of a rally by Donald Trump to turn to a speech by his rival, Hillary Clinton.... More

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has reiterated his call for surveillance of mosques in the U.S. in the wake of Orlando shootings.... More

In the United States, the now-defunct foster program of the Mormon Church already has four Navajo victims involved in lawsuits, with more that have come forward.... More

An editorial in Cuba's daily newspaper Granma has called on Cubans to participate actively in public debates on two important documents discussed at last April's 7th Congress of the Communist Party (PCC).... More

Cuban and U.S. health authorities signed an unprecedented memorandum of understanding earlier this week to cooperate in combating diseases affecting the two neighboring countries.... More

Cuba reiterated at the United Nations that international cooperation and the countries' shared responsibility is the best and only way to address the migration issue.... More

U.S. presidential adviser Ben Rhodes has said that the resumption of relations between Cuba and the United States is irreversible and that legislative restrictions can be lifted by Congress.... More

Cuban President Raúl Castro sent a congratulatory message to the combatants of Cuba's Western Army on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the command.... More

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez met with her U.S. counterpart, John Kerry, during meetings of the Organization of American States, the OAS, in Santo Domingo.... More

In Brazil, the political future of suspended lower house speaker and impeachment mastermind Eduardo Cunha remains in limbo as prosecutors have called for a 10-year ban on the politician... More

The former Chilean military officer accused of murdering folk singer and political activist Victor Jara in 1973, immediately following the U.S.-supported military coup that installed the brutal regime of former dictator Augusto Pinochet, is on trial in an historic move toward justice after more than 40 years of impunity.... More
