The CIA has released dozens of previously classified documents that expose grim details about the U.S. spy agency's torture program after the September 11, 2001 attacks, including a request that it would never be prosecuted for abusing suspects.... More

At least six demonstrators and 20 policemen were injured as several hundred clashed with police in Paris on Tuesday in the latest demonstration against disputed labor reforms in France. ... More

In the United States, the Democratic presidential race has officially come to an end with Hillary Clinton winning the primary contest in the U.S. capital, gaining nearly 79 percent of the vote.... More

Israel has cut water supplies to major areas in the north of the occupied West Bank amid sweltering heat and the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.... More

Migrant and refugee children making the perilous journey to Europe to escape war and poverty face possible beatings, rape and forced labor in addition to risk of drowning in the Mediterranean. ... More

A new study projects levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will smash the threshold of 400 parts per million this year and not fall below it again in our lifetimes.... More

President Raúl Castro has sent a message of condolences to his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama, following the tragic event events in Orlando, Florida, on June 12th.... More

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas

Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas was received Monday by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.... More

Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela

Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela received Cuban Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca.... More

Cuban writers and artists share the indignation of the Venezuelan people at the desecration of the site where the remains of great Venezuelan singer Ali Primera are kept in Paraguaná, Falcon State.... More

Residents of central Villa Clara province paid tribute to Cuban independence hero Antonio Maceo and Argentinean-Cuban legendary guerrilla commander Ernesto Guevara de la Serna 'Che'... More

The Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) William Lacy Swing will pay an official visit to Cuba from June 20th through the 23rd.... More

Representatives from the Cuban Tourism Ministry and Havanatur travel agency traveled to Guatemala to discuss with local authorities in the sector the reactivation of direct flights between Havana and Guatemala City.... More

The Organization of American States, the OAS, has begun its 46th General Assembly in the Dominican Republic, where member states are debating the rights of Indigenous peoples and the political situation in Venezuela... More

President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina

The President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina called on the Organization of American States to apologize for its support of the U.S. invasion of his country in 1965.... More
