Thousands of people formed long lines at gas stations in Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires on Saturday amid fears of fuel shortages after truck drivers announced a strike, according to AFP.... More

Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, is being investigated for using a private e-mail server as secretary of state.... More

An investigation by USA Today has found that more than 3,500 lawsuits have been filed against Donald Trump and his business entities over the past 30 years.... More

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged he was coerced into removing Saudi Arabia from a blacklist of forces responsible for killing children, after the kingdom threatened to cut off funding to the United Nations.... More

British prosecutors have announced no charges will be brought against MI6 officials who took part in a joint CIA operation targeting a Libyan dissident and his wife.... More

The British government is selling record amounts of weaponry such as missiles, bombs and grenades to repressive regimes identified by its Foreign Office as having dubious human rights records, including war crimes.... More

Cuba has renewed at UNESCO its commitment to the protection and preservation of cultural heritage.... More

Cuban Vice President José Ramón Machado Ventura

Cuban Vice President José Ramón Machado Ventura signed the condolences book opened at the embassy of the Sahawari Arab Democratic Republic here in Havana... More

The Curaçao Oil Company (Curoil) is interested in joint ventures with Cuba's company Unión CubaPetróleo in the oil and energy sectors.... More

Cuban sexologist Mariela Castro

Cuban sexologist Mariela Castro has declared in New York that the US economic, commercial and financial blockade hinders Cuba's efforts to prevent and confront HIV/Aids.... More

Cuban health authorities have reported the 15th imported case of zika virus in the country.... More

Argentina is set to see a shutdown in airplane traffic for the next two days as state workers in the national aviation union launched a 48-hour strike on Friday morning across more than 30 airports to pressure the government to negotiate a wage dispute with workers, hard hit by rising inflation.... More

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa has personally committed to lead the way in making the necessary changes to eliminate tax havens throughout the world. ... More

A student march in Chile's capital Thursday ended with violent confrontations between police and protesting students -- calling on President Michelle Bachelet to fulfill promises of free higher education for all.... More

Argentina's Congress is set to discuss a tax amnesty bill proposed by President Mauricio Macri, which looks to provide an out to tax evaders with undeclared holdings and assets inside the country and overseas.... More
