The government of Mauricio Macri served notice that in 15 days, Argentines will no longer enjoy broadcasts from the regional news network, teleSUR, over the government's Open Digital Television.... More

Chilean students to took to the streets on Thursday in a national march to demand improvements in public education as pressure continues to mount on the government of President Michelle Bachelet to fulfill promises of free higher education for all.... More

Bolivian lawmaker from the National Unity (UN) opposition Party, Rafael Quispe reveals that he held secret meeting with U.S. embassy officials in La Paz in order to construct a political platform for the general elections in 2019.... More

A car bomb attack near a military base north of Baghdad and another explosion near a market in the Iraqi capital have killed nearly two dozen people. ... More

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has indicated that he will not accept the verdict of the upcoming Iraq war inquiry report if it accuses him of committing London to invading the Arab country before he told parliament.... More

Uri Ariel, Israel's Minister of Agriculture

Uri Ariel, Israel's Minister of Agriculture, told the Times of Israel that Tel Aviv should annex the so-called "Area C" of the West Bank since "there are no Arabs at all" living there. ... More

Authorities in France have evacuated 1,850 refugees from a makeshift camp in the north of the country's capital, Paris. Local officials said that the refugees and asylum-seekers were living in tent camps put up at Jardin d'Eole Park, which had also been evacuated a month ago.... More

Israel says it will prevent tens of thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank from visiting their relatives in the besieged Gaza Strip. ... More

Britain's anti-nuclear activists have blocked entrance to a nuclear bomb factory for more than three days, bringing the construction work at the firm to a halt.... More

Renowned Cuban photographer and documentary maker, Roberto Chile, is scheduled to show his exhibition Somos at the Cuban Art Space in New York... More

Representatives from Cuba and the European Union met Monday in Havana for the second round of talks on human rights.... More

On Wednesday, Cuba and the United States held the first Counterterrorism Technical Exchange in Havana.... More

Renowned Cuban scientists are currently in San Francisco, California, participating in the Biotechnology International Convention. ... More

Mick Phillips, a U.S. lung cancer patient, blasted the U.S. blockade of Cuba for denying U.S. patients' access to effective Cuban cancer medication.... More

Ten years after receiving its health registration and approval to be used in the national health system, the Cuban medication Heberprot-P has been used to treat over 55,000 Cuban patients nationwide, with positive results.... More
