Ecuador's April earthquake will knock an estimated 0.7 percentage point off gross domestic product this year and require $3.34 billion for reconstruction.... More

Former Uruguayan President José Mujica

Former Uruguayan President José Mujica told local media outlets that pressure from Washington on the Organization of American States (OAS) is “unbearable” ... More

Argentina’s government has decided that it will remove the paintings of Juan Domingo Peron and Ernesto "Che" Guevara, among other important Latin American historical figures, from the Hall of American Patriots at the Casa Rosada, the president’s office.... More

The United States has asked Russia to stop conducting airstrikes against the al-Nusra Front terrorists in Syria.... More

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he would work with U.S. presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump if elected.... More

The International Monetary Fund has admitted in a new report that neo-liberalism fuels both inequality and hurts growth. ... More

The Israeli-imposed blockade on Gaza enters its 9th year this month, and according to British charity Oxfam, it has devastated the lives and livelihoods of 1.8 million Palestinians stuck in what has been compared to an open-air prison.... More

U.S. presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is increasingly eating into likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s national lead in the race for the White House, a CNN Poll of Polls has found, projecting a tight race for the November vote.... More

U.S. heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali died Friday evening in Phoenix, Arizona, where he had been hospitalized and treated for respiratory complications. He was 74 years old.... More

The Bard College Conservatory Orchestra will tour Cuba from June 4th through 9th, including awarded American pianist Peter Serkin in its last concert... More

The Cuban Foreign Ministry has come out in support of Venezuela's hard won diplomatic battle against an attempt by the Organization of American States, the OAS, to stage an intervention in Venezuela and grossly interfere in that nation's internal affairs.... More

The 7th Summit of the Association of Caribbean States, the ACS, continues in Havana with ministerial meetings prior to Saturday's high-level session.... More

Cuban Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel, concludes today an official visit to Japan after an intense work agenda which included a meeting with Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe.... More

Cuban ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, Pedro Doña Santana, was awarded that nation's Grand Cross of the Order of Independence.... More

Suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff took to the streets in Rio de Janeiro Thursday along with thousands of women to reject the installed interim government of Michel Temer, strongly criticized by protesters as a coup regime.... More
