Deputy Foreign Minister Marcelino Medina described as significant and positive the impact on the South African people of twenty years of Cuba's cooperation with the African country.... More

The director for the Office of Mexico and Central America of the German Confederation of Cooperatives (DGFRV), Helmut Pabst, said Wednesday that Cuba is firmly set on developing cooperatives.... More

Cesar Sanchez, coordinator of National Anti-doping Commission in Costa Rica, stated Wednesday that thanks to an agreement signed by Costa Rica and Cuba, the official drug tests of Costa Rican athletes will take place in a Cuban laboratory.... More

Economic Update May 26

In tune with ongoing economic transformations in Cuba, local banks back priority economic plans and investment projects launched by Cuban companies, an action that reported credit lines of up to 28 billion pesos in 2015.... More

Sports News Roundup May 26

The World Baseball Softball Confederation unveiled the groups and the Official Look for the LG Presents WBSC Women’s Baseball World Cup 2016 in Gijang, South Korea.... More

A second major leak has hit the political scene in Brazil, revealing that the head of the Senate, Renan Calheiros, planned to negotiate with the Supreme Court about removing suspended President Dilma Rousseff from office while also scheming to change laws governing investigations into corruption.... More

U.S. Pulitzer Prize winner and journalist Glenn Greenwald

U.S. Pulitzer Prize winner and renowned journalist Glenn Greenwald suggested that all media should begin referring to the impeachment trial against suspended Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as what it is -- “a coup.”... More

Renowned Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho has criticized the Brazilian Senate’s decision to depose President Dilma Rousseff and is asking people to unmask the politicians who support the parliamentary coup.... More

Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya

Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, ousted in the 2009 U.S.-backed military coup, has announced his interest in running for the country’s top office in the next election... More

Roberta Jacobson arrives in Mexico Thursday to assume her new post as U.S. ambassador following a drawn-out process that began in June 2015 when President Barack Obama first nominated her.... More

The demands by several social sectors in Bolivia for a new referendum are growing stronger, after the conspiracy carried out by right-forces in order to tarnish President Morales' image during the last referendum was revealed.... More

Israeli warplanes have launched two airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in yet another act of aggression against the besieged coastal enclave.... More

Sweden’s parliament has approved a deal with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to give the Western military alliance more access to its territory amid brewing tensions between the neutral Nordic country and Russia.... More

The Israeli military has placed more than three dozen Palestinians under administrative detention, sending them to prison without charge or trial.... More

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Despite international condemnation, Sweden insists on moving forward with arbitrary proceedings against the internationally renowned journalists. ... More
