Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Marcelino Medina and his South African counterpart, Luwelín Lenders, are taking part in the 13th Session of the Joint Consultative Meeting in Pretoria.... More

The Education Minister of Dominica, Peter Saint-Jean, had words of praise for Cuba and its work as a true partner in the development of his nation. ... More

The attractions of the eastern Cuban cities of Holguín and Santiago de Cuba were highlighted in Perú, at a gathering of more than 150 tour operators.... More

With teargas and water cannon trucks, Brazilian police dispersed protesters who were gathered Sunday evening near the residence of Acting President Temer. ... More

Brazil's Senate vice president has denounced a siege against suspended President Dilma Rousseff ordered by the interim right-wing president. ... More

A military delegation sent to Washington by Argentinean President Mauricio Macri has signed an agreement on military cooperation with the United States, which entails the establishment of a U.S. military base in Ushuaia, the southernmost tip of the South American nation.... More

Honduras' National Commission of Telecommunications (Conatel) said on Sunday that it will be taking 21 TV channels off the air, allegedly because they failed to renew their licenses.... More

Peru’s right-wing presidential candidates Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a businessman, and Keiko Fujimori, daughter of imprisoned former dictator Alberto Fujimori, clashed on an economic policy at debate on Sunday held ahead of a June 5th run-off vote.... More

Venezuelan authorities have arrested Coromoto Rodriguez, the head of security for opposition politician and president of parliament Henry Ramos Allup, on suspicion of planning attacks against police officers during an anti-government protest.... More

A group of activists from La Voz de Abajo confronted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton at a fundraising event in Chicago, pointing to one of her darkest moments as United States Secretary of State: the 2009 coup in Honduras.... More

The Greek parliament has passed a new set of controversial austerity measures amid widespread public protests.... More

Seven bomb explosions have rocked the coastal cities of Tartous and Jableh in western Syria, leaving at least 101 people dead. ... More

Israeli border police officers together with a number of passersby have violently beaten up a young Palestinian man outside a supermarket in Tel Aviv. ... More

U.S. President Barack Obama says he will not apologize to Japan over the 1945 U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, emphasizing that looking forward and not backward will instead be the focus of his upcoming trip to the country.... More

U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s campaign is far smaller than that of the likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in terms of finance and infrastructure, a new report says.... More
