Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Marcelino Medina is in South Africa to mark 20 years of bilateral cooperation. Events on the occasion have been scheduled for the cities of Pretoria and Johannesburg. ... More

A documentary exposing how Cubans feel about the permanence of the US Naval Base in Guantanamo was screened in Buenos Aires on Friday. ... More

The 15th session of the U.N. Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues began this year in New York on May 9, with over 100 member states present and the participation of over Indigenous groups from as many countries who were hoping that their demands for equal rights be heard, but instead only found deaf ears.... More

Mexico's Foreign Ministry has approved the extradition of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman to the United States, and had received guarantees that the death penalty would not be sought against him. ... More

Haiti’s interim president Joclerme Privert said the country should be prepared for another round of presidential elections, but should be patient. ... More

Young Pianists Festival in Havana

Young Pianists from Cuba and around the world will take part at the 4th Young Pianists Encounter June 2/26 in the Cuban capital... More

Bolivian President Evo Morales arrived early Friday morning to Havana to begin an official visit. ... More

The mayor of the U.S. city of Mobile, Alabama, William Sandy Stimpson, is visiting Cuba accompanied by a U.S. delegation, which includes business people and local officials.... More

The 5th part of the “Transformers” saga, directed by film-maker Michael Bay, will include scenes shot in Havana. ... More

Former Brazilian President and political leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva spoke with teleSUR Thursday night in an exclusive interview about the current situation in his country, following the suspension of President Dilma Rousseff who is now facing a Senate impeachment trial.... More

Brazilian Indigenous groups have staged a protest outside presidential offices in Brasilia, demanding that interim President Michel Temer set aside land that would be guaranteed protection from large agricultural exploiters.... More

The Brazilian Foreign Ministry, under coup leader Michel Temer, said it wants to reduce government expenses. ... More

Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has responded to a letter directed against Venezuela by the Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro.... More

The Ecuadorean government has asked the United States for Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, for its citizens after last month’s devastating earthquake.... More

U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump has promised that he will force Mexico to pay for his wall at the U.S. border by halting remittances sent by Mexicans in the U.S. to family.... More
