From December 2012 to April this year, 7,556 people were kidnapped in Mexico, corresponding to an average of 184 people per month, 43 people per week and six daily, reported various non-profit organizations Wednesday.... More

Interim president of Brazil and parliamentary coup promoter Michel Temer has chosen a politician investigated for corruption and attempted murder as the new leader of the Lower House.... More

The infamous leader of the Sinaloa cartel could face charges from a number of federal prosecutors in the U.S. should he be extradited. ... More

The United Nations is disappearing traditional belief systems and enforcing its own superiority by privileging stiff bureaucracy over indigenous ways, Mayan leader Policarpio Chaj said in an interview with teleSUR on Wednesday... More

La Habana, 19 may (ACN) Con la firma de un plan de trabajo hasta el año 2017 para fomentar las relaciones económicas bilaterales, se inauguró este jueves la XXI Sesión del Comité de Cooperación Empresarial Cubano-Español, que reúne en La Habana a hombres de negocios de ambas naciones. ... More

The President of the Spanish Autonomous Community of Murcia, Pedro Antonio Sanchez, is paying an official visit to Cuba until May 22nd, according to the Cuban Foreign Ministry.... More

Top protocol, security and media officials for the governments of the countries in the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) are finalizing details in Havana for the 7th Summit of the organization.... More

Lawyers and legal experts from 27 countries have gathered here in Havana for the 8th Forum on International Law and Justice.... More

Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro described his country on Tuesday as being the target of not only a systematic aggression by "‘global imperialist forces," but also of destabilization efforts by the right-wing opposition.... More

Ecuador was hit by an aftershock of 6.8 magnitude Wednesday at 2:57 a.m., striking the northern coast, near Rosa Zarate and Muisne.... More

The Worker's Party, or PT, of suspended President Dilma Rousseff, asserted that Brazil is experiencing a "coup" and announced a campaign to do away with interim President Michel Temer.... More

A famous Brazilian filmmaker, cast, crew and audience rejected the coup against President Dilma Rousseff.... More

Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Rivera

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders addressed crowds at a rally in Puerto Rico, calling for the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera, Prensa Latina reported on Tuesday.... More

More than 154,000 workers have been fired or suspended since President Mauricio Macri took office in December 2015, according to a report by Argentina's Center for Political Economy (CEPA).... More

Gunmen stormed a police station in southern Haiti, leaving at least six dead in a shoot-out and a related accident in an apparent uprising attempt days after the volatile country missed a deadline to sign in a new president.... More
