The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, says oil producers in the Middle East lost 390 billion in revenue last year, warning they should brace for losses of more than 500 billion USD this year. ... More

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has narrowed the gap to within 3 percentage points of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, according to a new poll.... More

Pope Francis has criticized attempts by Western countries to impose their own brand of democracy on countries with different social and political textures, such as Iraq.... More

The U.S. Navy is about to take ownership of Zumwalt, its largest and most technologically advanced destroyer yet. ... More

French police have used tear gas on hundreds of protesters who had taken to the streets in Paris to express their resentment at a controversial law proposed by the government.... More

Thousands of workers in the oil industry in the Canadian province of Alberta were evacuated from work camps as the fire left the city of Fort McMurray and spreads to surrounding areas.... More

A massive landslide in a remote area in western Sri Lanka has buried three villages, with rescue workers still looking for 200 missing families. ... More

In the U.S. state of California, a company whose pipeline burst near Santa Barbara last year, spilling up to 143,000 gallons of crude oil, has been indicted on dozens of criminal counts, including four felony charges.... More

Panamá, 18 may (PL) Un total de dos mil 448 cubanos migrantes irregulares concentrados en la occidental provincia panameña de Chiriquí viajaron rumbo a Ciudad Juárez, México, desde el aeropuerto internacional de Tocumen en esta ciudad, informó la cancillería.... More

Josefina Vidal, General Director for the United States at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, described as “productive” the Third Meeting of the Cuba-U.S. Bilateral Commission, held Monday in the Cuban capital.... More

President Raúl Castro met in Havana on Monday with José Manuel García-Margallo, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, who is paying an official visit to Cuba.... More

Cuban Parliament President Esteban Lazo met in Havana on Monday with a visiting delegation from the National People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China, headed by Fu Ying, Chairwoman of the Legislative Foreign Affairs Committee.... More

The 12th Cuba-Solar International Workshop, sponsored by the Cuban Society for the Promotion of Renewable Energy, got underway on Tuesday at the resort of Guardalavaca, located in Holguin province.... More

Rafael Santisteban Pozo, president of the National Association of Small Farmers, ANAP, congratulated Cuban farmers on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the organization, founded by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro.... More

A group of over 800 international academics and intellectuals calling itself "Humanity Against the Coup in Brazil" has released a statement condemning the ouster of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff by right-wing elements.... More
