Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas

Cuban Vice President Ricardo Cabrisas met on Monday with Kane Boubacar, Minister of Health of Mauritania, who arrived in Havana, bearing a message from Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to his Cuban counterpart, President Raúl Castro... More

An International Congress on Economic Management and Development began sessions on Monday in Havana with the attendance of some 800 experts from 22 countries.... More

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with leaders from Brazil's social movements and trade union organizations in an effort to create a new “broad front” to resist the parliamentary coup that saw democratically-elected President Dilma Rouseff ousted from power. ... More

Ecuador's ruling Alianza País has called for an urgent meeting of member countries of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR) and of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)to analyze the current situation in Brazil and reject the ongoing destabilization plots, seeking to destroy Brazilian democracy.... More

Argentinean President Mauricio Macri remains the only head of state to openly state support for de facto president Michel Temer in Brazil.... More

Enrique Santiago, lawyer for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has said that a final peace deal between the rebels and the government of president Juan Manuel Santos was “very close.”... More

Justice for the murder of Honduran activist Berta Caceres will only be achieved when the rights of indigenous peoples to their land are respected, according to a senior United Nations official.... More

The controversial de facto President of Brazil, Michel Temer, angered Brazilians with misogynistic comments and denial of the lack of diversity in his government.... More

At least 25 Yemeni police recruits loyal to the former Saudi-backed government have been killed in a bomb attack in the southern port city of Mukalla. ... More

Residents in the Gaza Strip, a besieged Palestinian enclave, have staged a mass rally in commemoration of Nakba Day, which marks the 1948 mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes.... More

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has called on the United Nations to implement a resolution adopted in 1948 giving Palestinian refugees the right to return to the occupied territories. ... More

U.S. secretary of State John Kerry has met with King Salman of Saudi Arabia to discuss the Syrian conflict, before heading to Vienna for broader international talks. ... More

A former CIA operative has revealed that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency played a key role in the arrest of Nelson Mandela, which led to the South African anti-apartheid leader’s trial and imprisonment for nearly three decades, according to a new report.... More

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has dismissed allegations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the impartiality of a Paris initiative to revive peace talks between Israel and Palestine.... More

In Spain, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to mark the fifth anniversary of the Indignados movement. ... More
